2. Wu Hong, Wang Yuxin and Wang Shichang. Study on Alcohol Resistance and Conductivity of Polyvinyl Alcohol Membrane (Ⅱ) Polyvinyl Alcohol Membrane Crosslinked with Glutaraldehyde. Polymer Materials Science and Engineering, 2003,19 (5):131-133.
3. Wu Hong, Wang Yuxin and Wang Shichang. Study on alcohol resistance and conductivity of polyvinyl alcohol film (I) Heat treatment of polyvinyl alcohol film. Polymer Materials Science and Engineering, 2003,19 (2):172-175.
4. Wu Hong, Wang Yuxin and Wang Shichang. Study on alcohol resistance and proton conductivity of polyvinyl alcohol-polyacrylic acid mixed membrane. Membrane technology, 2002,22 (6):1-3.
5. Wu Hong, Wang Yuxin, Wang Shichang. Preparation of polyvinylidene fluoride -Nafion*** mixed membrane and study on proton conductivity of alcohol barrier. Journal of Polymers, 2002, 4: 540-543. (SCI- 1000-3304)
6. Huang, Xu. Bioactive molecules embedded by sol-gel method. Modern Chemical Industry, 2002,22 (7): 60-63.
7. Wu Hong, Wang Yuxin and Wang Shichang. Preparation and properties of a new proton conductive polymer membrane --PVA-Nafion * * * * * mixed membrane. China journal of chemical engineering of chinese universities, 2002, 16 (3): 326-330. (EI- 1003-9065438+。
8. Wu Hong, Wang Yuxin and Wang Shichang. Alcohol-hindered proton conduction polyvinyl alcohol-polystyrene sulfonic acid mixed membrane for direct methanol fuel cell. Journal of functional polymers, 2002,15 (1): 6-10.
9. Wu Hong, Wang Yuxin and Wang Shichang. Proton conductive membrane (PEMFC) for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Polymer materials science and engineering, 200 1,17 (4): 7-11.
10. Jiang Zhongyi, Wu Hong. Application of ultrafiltration membrane separation technology in the production of traditional Chinese medicine preparations. Chemical Industry and Engineering, 2003,20 (1): 39-44.
1 1., Wu Hong, Xu, Huang, Xie Qing. Preliminary study on the conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol catalyzed by sol-gel immobilized multienzyme. Chinese journal of catalysis, China, 2002,23 (2):162-164. (SCI-5438
12. Jiang Zhongyi, Wu Hong. Application of membrane technology in extraction and separation of effective parts and components of traditional Chinese medicine. Ion exchange and adsorption, 2002,18 (2):185-192.
13. Jiang Zhongyi, Wu Hong. Application of ultrafiltration technology in modern Chinese medicine production. Progress of Chemical Industry, 2002,21(2):122-126.
14. Xu,,, Huang. Preparation and characteristics of sol-gel biological capsules. Progress in Chemistry, 2004, 16 (3): 443-449. (SCI-824QQ)
15. Huang,,, Xu. Problems and solutions of enzyme immobilization by sol-gel method. Polymer Bulletin, 2003, (5): 28-35.
16. Huang,,, Xu. Study on reaction kinetics of formaldehyde dehydrogenase immobilized by free and sol-gel. Molecular catalysis, 2003, 17(4): 287-29 1.
17., Xu,,. Enzymatic structural modification of natural products. Organic Chemistry, 2002,22 (3): 220-226. (SCI- 530KN)
18. Wu Hong, Jiang Zhongyi. Nanotube biotechnology. Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2005,56 (6): 962-971.
19. Wang Jiao,,, Wang. A membrane for separating effective components and effective parts of traditional Chinese medicine. Journal of traditional chinese medicine, China, 2005,30 (3):165-170.
20. Wu Hong, Jiang Zhongyi. Nanotube biotechnology. Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2005,56 (6): 962-971.
2 1. Wang Jiao,,, Wang. A membrane for separating effective components and effective parts of traditional Chinese medicine. Journal of traditional chinese medicine, China, 2005,30 (3):165-170.