Please refer to the standard format of paper footnotes for details:
1. Indicate the source of any other statements directly or indirectly quoted by the author in the article.
2. Indicate the source of historical facts or unusual facts in the article.
3. Indicate the source of theories, judgments, thoughts, opinions or opinions borrowed from others in the article. Not indicating the source not only violates academic ethics, but also may violate copyright law.
4. Make a detailed supplement to some viewpoints in the article. If written in the article, it may interrupt the fluency of the text and make the context of the article unclear.
5. Make necessary explanations for some viewpoints, uncommon special nouns and terms in this paper. If such an explanation is written in the text, it may interrupt the fluency of the text and make it difficult for readers to understand.
6. In the reference part of the article, the reference only needs to list the name of the reference book or paper, the author's publishing house or published periodical, writing time or periodical period, etc.
Matters needing attention in references of papers:
Retrieval systems at home and abroad usually include not only the titles, keywords and abstracts of papers, but also their references. The quality and quantity of references are important indicators for evaluating the quality and level of papers, starting point and depth, and scientific basis, and are also important information sources for statistical analysis of quantitative evaluation indicators of periodical quality such as impact factors and citation frequency.
Correctly listing the relevant references can greatly save the length of the paper, and it is not necessary to copy the original text in large sections, only citing the most important viewpoints and data. Most papers require that all the achievements cited by references should be marked at the places where the references are cited and listed in the list of references at the end of the paper.