I. File type and file carrier code
According to GB3469-83 "File Type and File Carrier Code", it is identified by a single letter:
M- Monographs (including works on history and chronicles in ancient books)
Newspaper articles
Journal articles
Doctoral dissertation
R- research report
S standard
A—— Precipitated documents in monographs and papers.
Z—— Other unspecified literature types
Electronic document types are identified by two letters:
Database computer program
Electronic bulletin
For electronic documents with non-paper carriers, the carrier type shall be indicated in the reference mark:
A database on an online network
Database/tape database
M/CD-CD books
CP/DK disk software
J/OL- online log
EB/ol- online electronic bulletin
Second, the writing format of references
(Reference: Song No.4 is black with a top) Chinese ≥ 10, English ≥5 (the main content is that Song No.4 does not have black, and Chinese punctuation is full-angle; The English symbol is half-angle, and the labeling instructions are as follows)
(1) Magazine: [No.] Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, etc. Title of the article [J]. Magazine name, year, volume (issue): page number range.
(2) Books: [No.] Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, etc. Title (which version). Place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: page number (not marked in the first edition).
(3) Dissertation: [No.] Name. Name of the paper [D]. Storage location: storage unit, writing year and page number range.
(4) Minutes of the meeting: [No.] Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, etc. Title of the article [C]. Name of meeting (name of proceedings), year, meeting place: publishing house, page number range.
(5) Newspaper: [No.] Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, etc. Article title [N]. Name of newspaper, date of publication (page number).
(6) Patent: [No.] Name of patent owner 1, name 2, name 3, etc. Patent name [P]. Patent country: patent number, publication date.
(7) Electronic documents: [No.] Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, etc. Title [carrier type] of electronic document, source or accessible address of electronic document, publication date or update/citation date.
Carrier type:
Online database online [db/ol];
CD-ROM database;
CD monograph;
Computer programs on disk;
Serial connection [j/ol];
Online bulletin board system [EB/ol]
References: (Song Sihei) (sample)
[1] Hui Xiaoshi, Wang Kaihang, Lu Zhou, et al. Design of a web-based database system [J]. Computer Application Research, 2000, 17 (1): 84 ~ 86.
Wen Rong Zhang Yuanqiang Wen Jiu. Basic concepts and methods of mathematical analysis. Beijing: Higher Education Press,1989:153 ~167.
Zhan Dongfeng. Isolation, preparation and reflection function of Rhus verniciflua from China [D]. Doctoral dissertation of Wuhan University, 1998: 8 1 ~ 89.
[4] Wayne C. Toxins of Cyanobacteria [J]. Scientific American,1994,270 (1): 78 ~ 86.
[5] Buchberger B, Collins G E, Computer Algebraic Symbols and Algebraic Computation. New york: springer Versa, 1998: 58~76.