2. Tan, Xiao Jinghuan,,. Construction of a novel shuttle vector for industrial amino acid producing bacterium Brevibacterium flavum. Microbiological methods 20 10, 80: 86-92. (included in SCI, 2009 IF=2.427)
3. Yan Zhen Tan, Shi Feng and Xiaoyuan Wang. Construction of an Improved Constitutive shuttle vector for Metabolic Engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Plasmid, 20 10 64: 85-9 1. (included in SCI, 2009 IF= 1.8 16)
4. Tan, Ye Li,. Construction of a new promoter probe vector and its application in finding a strong tac-M promoter suitable for fla Vum metal engineering. World j microbiota, 20 1 1, 27: 96 1-968. (included in SCI, 2010 if =1.214)
5. Tan, Ye Li. Construction of a new marker-free gene deletion system of Corynebacterium glutamicum based on sacB. Plasmid, 20 12, 67: 44-52 (* * * same as the first author, included in SCI, 2011if =1.516).
6. Yin,,, Ning Jianfei,. The co-expression of feedback resistant threonine dehydratase and acetohydroxy acid synthase increased the production of L- isoleucine in Corynebacterium glutamicum. Metabolic engineering, published online, (included by SCI, 2011if = 5.614).
7. Li Xinna, Li Ruijun, Daqing Xu, Guo Wei, Sun Weiming, Zhao Dan, Liu Daqun. Eukaryotic expression and biochemical characteristics of intestinal mucin SeIIM8 from Spodoptera exigua. Afrentomol, accepted (included in SCI, 20 1 1 IF=0.47).
8. Duan Shanhai, Daqing Xu, Miao Ming. Research progress of physical modification methods of starch, Food Science, 2007,28 (3): 361-365.
9. Miao Ming, Daqing Xu, Duan Shanhai. Research progress on biological modification of starch by glycosidase. Food Science, 2008,29 (2): 456-460.
10., Tan,, Miao Ming,. A Brevibacterium flavum genetically engineered strain and its L- valine accumulation. Food Science, 20 10/0,31(23): 262-266.
1 1. Dong,,,,. Effect of lysine mutation on L- lysine accumulation. Journal of Food and Biotechnology, 20 1 1, 30 (4): 59 1-596.