Xu, Lin Zhongli, Pan. Discussion on some problems of retrieving surface temperature by single channel algorithm-taking Landsat series data as an example. Journal of Wuhan University (Information Science Edition), 2015,40 (4): 487-492, EI.
Xu, Tang Fei. A new generation of Landsat series satellites: new features of Landsat 8 remote sensing images and their ecological significance. Journal of Ecology, 2013,33 (11), 3249-3257, sponsored by the Center for Ecological Environment Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Xu Dao. Dynamics of soil exposure intensity and its influence on thermal environment change. International journal of climatology, 20 14SCI.
Xu Dao. Rule-based mapping of impervious surfaces using high spatial resolution images. International journal of remote sensing, 20 13SCI.
Xu Dao. Consistency Assessment of Forest Vegetation Observation with ASTER and Landsat ETM+ Images in Subtropical Coastal Areas of Southeast China, Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 20 13SCI.
Xu Dao. Using normalized differential impervious surface index to analyze impervious surface and its influence on urban thermal environment. Photogrammetry engineering and remote sensing, 20 10/0,76 (5), 557-565, SCI, EI.
Xu, Wen Xiaole. Urban expansion and heat island dynamics in Quanzhou, China. IEEE Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, 2009, 2(2), 74-79, SCI, EI.
Xu, Lin Dongfeng, Tang Fei. Influence of impervious surface development on surface temperature in subtropical cities: Xiamen, China. International journal of climatology, 20 13SCI.
Xu Dao. A new index to describe the ground features of buildings in satellite images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29, 2008 (14), 4269-4276, SCI, EI.
Xu Dao. Using topic-oriented index combination technology to extract urban building land features from Landsat images. Photogrammetry Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2007,73 (12), 138 1- 1392, SCI, EI.
Xu Dao. The standardized differential water index (NDWI) was improved to enhance the characteristics of open water in remote sensing imaging. International journal of remote sensing. 27, 2006 (14), 3025–3033, SCI, EI (pre-EI (ESI 1% highly cited papers, one of the papers cited by mainland scholars before 100).
Xu Dao. Evaluation of two absolute radiation normalization algorithms for land satellite image preprocessing. Journal of China Geo University, 2006, 17(2), 146- 150, SCI.
Xu and Chen Benqing. Remote sensing study on urban heat island and its change in Xiamen. Journal of environmental SCIence, 2004, 16(2), 276-28 1, sci, EI.
Xu Dao. Evaluation of SFIM algorithm. China Geographical Sciences, 2004, 14( 1), 48-56, SCI.
Xu Dao. Evaluation of land use change in Fuqing county based on remote sensing technology. China Geographical Sciences, 2002, 12(2), 126- 135, SCI.
Xu, and Xiao. A Comprehensive Study on Urbanization and Its Impact on Cultivated Land by Remote Sensing and GIS: Fuqing City, Fujian Province, China. Land degradation and agriculture. Development, 2000, 1 1 (4), 30 1-3 15, SCI, EI, has been recommended by CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts) as one of the 25 hot topics in remote sensing applications.
Xu, MacCarthy i. Markov chain analysis of vertical phase sequence using computer software package (SAVFS): Tournaisian in southern Ireland. Computer and electronic products. Earth Science,1998,24 (2),13139, an international publication sponsored by IAMG, SCI, EI(SAVFS software is included in IAMG official website).
Xu, people. Interactive comparison between ASTER and Landsat ETM+ vegetation index. Spectroscopy and spectral analysis, 20 1 1, 3 1 (7), 1902- 1907, chinese optical society-sponsored publication, SCI. (2065438
Xu Dao. Remote sensing evaluation index of regional ecological environment change. China environmental science, 2013,33 (5), 655-662, sponsored by Chinese society of environmental science, EI.
Xu Dao. Dynamic change of surface exposure and its thermal environment effect monitored by remote sensing. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 2012,28 (23): 98-106. Sponsored by China Agricultural Engineering Society.
Xu Dao. Analysis of urban heat island effect based on the change of urban surface parameters. Journal of Ecology, 20 1 1, 30 (14), 3890-390 1, published by Center for Ecological Environment Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Xu Dao. Spatio-temporal analysis of surface bare soil changes in Changting Hotan Basin in Fujian in recent 35 years. Journal of Ecology, 2013,33 (10), 1946-2953. Journals sponsored by the Chinese Ecological Society.
Xu, he hui, Vegetation cover change and its thermal environment effect in soil erosion area of Changting River field, Fujian Province. Journal of Ecology, 2013,33 (10), 2954-2963. Published by Chinese Ecological Society.
Xu Dao. The expansion process of the central city of Fuzhou basin in recent 30 years. Geographical Sciences, 20 1 1, 3 1 (3), 35 1-357, supported by Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Xu,, Li Chunhua. Comparative study on data of ASTER and Landsat ETM+ thermal infrared sensors. Journal of Wuhan University (Information Science Edition), 201,36 (8), 936-940+ 1007, sponsored by Wuhan University, EI.
Xu Dao. Quantitative analysis of the relationship between urban impervious surface and related urban ecological factors. Journal of Ecology, 2009, 29(5), 2456-2462, sponsored by Center for Ecological Environment Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Xu Dao. A new remote sensing index for rapid extraction of impermeable water surface. Journal of Wuhan University (Information Science Edition), 2008,33 (11150-1153, sponsored by Wuhan University, EI.
Xu Dao. Image-based Landsat TM/ETM+ data normalization technology. Journal of Wuhan University (Information Science Edition), 2007, 32( 1), 62-66, Journal of Wuhan University, EI.
Xu Dao. Three-dimensional distribution map of urban heat island in Fuzhou, in: Remote Sensing Witness-Atlas of Satellite Remote Sensing since the establishment of China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station for 20 years, page 298, Beijing: Science Press, 2006.
Xu Dao. Multi-spectral and multi-temporal remote sensing analysis of water color change in Xiamen sea area Journal of Environmental Science, 26, 2006 (7), 1209- 12 18, sponsored by Center for Ecological Environment Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Xu Dao. Study on extracting water information by improved normalized difference water body index. Journal of Remote Sensing, September, 2005 (5), 589-595, sponsored by Institute of Remote Sensing Application, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China 100 of the most influential domestic academic papers, the average number of citations in Journal of Remote Sensing is 1).
Xu Dao. Remote sensing information extraction of urban construction land based on compressed data dimension. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2005, 10(2), 223-229, sponsored by China Image and Graphics Society and Institute of Remote Sensing Application, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Xu Dao. Research on Landsat 7 ETM+ image fusion and automatic classification. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2005, 9(2), 186- 194, sponsored by Institute of Remote Sensing Application, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Xu Dao. Information extraction of urban construction land based on spectral characteristics and normalized index analysis. Geographical research, 2005,24 (2), 3 1 1-320, published by Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Xu Dao. Research on fusion image classification based on SFIM algorithm. Journal of Wuhan University (Information Science Edition), 2004,29 29( 10/0), 920-923.
Xu, Chen Benqing. Remote sensing thermal infrared image processing methods in different stages of urban heat island change research. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2003, 18 (3), 129- 133, and other publications sponsored by the Joint Center for Remote Sensing of China Academy of Sciences. (The average number of citations ranks third in this journal. )
Xu Dao. Higher education in Ireland. Theory and practice. Beijing: Guangming Daily Press, 1999.
Tang Fei, Xu. Remote sensing study on the relationship between old city reconstruction and urban heat island effect. Geographical Sciences, 20 1 1, 3 1 (10), 1228- 1234, supported by Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Xu. Extraction algorithm of main road information from high-resolution remote sensing images based on level set method. Journal of Astronautics, 20 10/0,31(5), 1495- 1502, sponsored by China Aerospace Society, EI.
Xu. Comparative study on the interaction between ASTER and ETM+ images based on MNDWI water index. Journal of Aerospace, 20 10/0,31(4), sponsored by China Aerospace Society, EI.
Li Chunhua, Xu, Chen. Comparison of two multispectral sensor images. Spectroscopy and spectral analysis, 20 10/0,30 (9), publication sponsored by chinese optical society, SCI, EI.
Li wanhui, Xu. Estimation of optically active substances in second-class water based on bio-optical model: a case study of the lower reaches of Jinjiang River. Environmental Science, 2009, 30(4), published by Center for Ecological Environment Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Sun, Xu An angle extraction method based on multi-spectral bidirectional detection and multi-scale angle feature verification. Journal of Wuhan University (Information Science Edition), 2009,34 (10), 123 1- 1235, sponsored by Wuhan University, EI.
Sun, Xu Corner extraction method of agricultural land remote sensing image information. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 2009,25 (10), 135- 14 1, sponsored by China Agricultural Engineering Society, EI.
Wen Xiaole, Xu. Quantitative remote sensing of suspended matter in the lower reaches of Minjiang River based on multi-source synchronous data. Environmental Science, 2008, 29(9), 244 1-2447, sponsored by Center for Ecological Environment Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, EI.