Biodiversity is the sum total of organisms and their ecological complexes with the environment and various related ecological processes, including millions of animals, plants and microorganisms, their genes and the complex ecosystem with their living environment, which is the basic feature of life systems. Life system is a hierarchical system, including multiple levels or levels: genes, cells, tissues, organs, populations, species, communities, ecosystems and landscapes. Every level has rich changes, that is, diversity. But in theory and practice, there are mainly genetic diversity (or genetic diversity), species diversity, ecosystem diversity and landscape diversity. Nowadays, people often regard biodiversity as a living entity itself, not just one of the important characteristics of a living system. The diversity of human culture can also be considered as a part of biodiversity. Just like genetic diversity and species diversity, some characteristics of human culture (such as nomadic life and mobile farming) show people's survival strategies in special environments. At the same time, like other aspects of biodiversity, cultural diversity helps people adapt to changing external conditions. Cultural diversity is manifested in the diversity of countless human social characteristics such as language, religious belief, land management practice, art, music, social structure, crop selection and diet.
Biodiversity is the material basis for human survival, and its value can be understood from the following two aspects. First, direct value. Humans get all the food, many medicines and industrial raw materials they need from the wild and domesticated components of biodiversity, and also play an important role in entertainment and tourism; Second, indirect value. Indirect value is mainly related to the function of ecosystem. Usually it is not reflected in the national accounting system, but if calculated, its value greatly exceeds the direct value of its consumption and production. The indirect value of biodiversity is mainly manifested in seven aspects: fixing solar energy, regulating hydrological process, preventing soil erosion, regulating climate, absorbing and decomposing pollutants, storing nutrient elements, promoting nutrient cycle and maintaining evolutionary process. Over time, the greatest value of biodiversity may lie in providing opportunities for human beings to adapt to local and global changes. The unknown potential of biodiversity shows an inestimable bright future for human survival and development.