2. Wang js; Yang; Li Shusheng. Environmental impact of radionuclide migration in groundwater of low and medium level radioactive waste repository. China environmental science magazine. 200 1,VoL 13,Iss2,pp 180- 184(SCI537VM,EI0 1246540670)
3. Guo and Liu Chunli. Comparison of Migration Characteristics of 3H and 99Tc in Loess, Environmental Science, 2003,24 (6) 48-53 (EI-04017806091).
4. Wang Jinsheng, Wang Guohua and Li Shushen. Experimental study on the influence of stagnant water on solute transport in loess vadose zone. Journal of water resources. 2004,6: 52-55 (EI-0435 8330547)
5. Wang Jinsheng, Yang Zhifeng, Chen Jiajun. Study on soil water-holding characteristics in vadose zone, Journal of Water Conservancy, 2000 (2): 1-6 (EI).
6. Wang Jinsheng, Yang Zhifeng and Wang Li. Reliability analysis of solute transport prediction in vadose zone and saturated zone, Journal of Water Resources, 2001(9):16-21(ei-02046835398).
7. Wang Jinsheng, Li Shushen, Wang Zhiming, Non-equilibrium adsorption numerical model of nuclide migration in unsaturated zone. Radiation protection, 2000,20 (1): 62-67.
8. Wang Jinsheng, Li Shushen, Wang Zhiming. Study on safety evaluation model of shallow low-level radioactive waste disposal, Journal of Environmental Science, 1996, 16 (3): 356-363. (California)
9. Wang Jinsheng, Yang Zhifeng and Li Shushen. Environmental impact prediction of nuclide migration through groundwater in low-level radioactive waste disposal site, Environmental Science, 2000,20 (2):162-167.
10. Wang Jinsheng, Li Shushen, Yang Zhifeng. Numerical simulation study on bimodal distribution of 85Sr migration in vadose zone, china environmental science, 1999, 19 (6): 556-560.
1 1. Wang Li, Wang Jinsheng (correspondent), Yang Zhifeng. Research progress on the influence of stagnant water on solute transport in vadose zone, Journal of Water Resources, 200 1, (12): 68-73 (EI-0212689403).
12. Wu Dongjie, Wang Jinsheng (correspondent), Teng Yanguo. Prediction of groundwater level dynamics by wavelet decomposition and transformation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2004, 5: 39-45 (EI-0435 8330547)13. Wang Jinsheng, Li Shushen, Wang Zhiming, et al. Two-dimensional nonequilibrium state of nuclide migration.
14. Wang Jinsheng, Yang Zhifeng. Study on the strategy of environmental sustainable development in Japan. China environmental science, 1999, 19(S 1. ):60-64.
15. Wang Jinsheng, Wang Peng, Liu Wenchen, et al. Numerical simulation method for dividing groundwater source protection areas [J]. Hydrogeology Engineering Geology, 2004,31(4): 83-86.
16., Guo, Tian Hao. Research progress on disposal and radiation protection of extremely low level radioactive waste. 2004, 22(6): (to be published)
17. Guo, (correspondent), Li Shushen. Numerical simulation of migration of 237Np and 238Pu in yellow soil. China environmental science. 2002,22 (5): 477-480.
18. Guo, (correspondent), Li Shushen. Delay characteristics of 3H and br- migration in saturated loess. Journal of environmental science. 2004,24 (5): 878-882。
19., Li,,, Study on flow model of phreatic confined water with multilayer structure in alluvial fan and alluvial plain, hydrogeology and engineering geology,1996,23 (1): 30-34.
20. Guo, (correspondent). Analysis on environmental safety of retired tailings dam. Hydrogeology Engineering Geology.2004,31(2): 50-53.
2 1. Wang Li, (correspondent), Lin. Study on hydrogeochemical evolution law in funnel area of Yuncheng basin. Resource Science, 2004,26 (2): 23-28.
22. Sun Caizhi and He Lin. Study on the renewability of Jinci Spring under the condition of water transfer, China Karst, 200 1, 20 (1):1-16.
23. Wang Li, (correspondent) and Lin. Research progress of hydrogeochemical models. Hydrogeology Engineering Geology, 2003, 30 (6): 105- 109.
24. Chen Jiajun, Wang Jinsheng and Li Helian. Influence of non-equilibrium adsorption on nuclide migration and determination of equilibrium rate parameters. China environmental science, 20, 2000 (1): 73-76.
25. Hu Junfeng, Wang Jinsheng (correspondent) and Teng Yanguo. Research progress on the relationship between groundwater and river water, Hydrogeology Engineering Geology, 2004,31(1): 24-28.
26. Wang Zhenyu, (correspondent), Teng Yanguo, et al. Experimental study on defluoridation of high fluorine groundwater by coagulation [J]. Hydrogeological Engineering Geology, 2004,31(5): 42-45.
27. Lin, people. Isotope and hydrochemical analysis of karst groundwater in Shanxi-Shaanxi Gorge [J]. Engineering Survey .2004, (4): 27-30
28. Wang Jinsheng Du Liang (correspondent). Environmental impact and output analysis of chromium slag toxicity. Journal of safety and environment. 2004,4 (2): 34-37。
29. Li Shushen, Wang Zhiming, Wang Jinsheng. Study on Migration Characteristics of 85Sr, 60Co and 134Cs in Unsaturated Loess, Environmental Science, 2002,22 (5): 614-620.
30. Yu,, people. CO2 migration law of water-gas two-phase flow in vadose zone, Environmental Science, 2003,24 (4)117-121.
3 1. Peng Sheng, Chen Jiajun, Wang Jinsheng. Review of foreign research on water-gas two-phase flow in vadose zone, advances in water science. 2000, 1 1 (3): 333-338.
32. Su Xiaosi, Lin, Liao Zisheng, Main factors affecting water isotopes of the Yellow River in China. International Water Resources Association Water International, 2004:29(4):475~482
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34. Diyanglis, Ye Guangqin and Hefu translated by Wang Jinsheng. , Integral Chamber Model of Solute Migration in Dual Media, Radiation Protection Communication, 1998, 18(S), 65-92.
35. Ye Guangtai, Wang Jinsheng et al., Finite Element Model of Water Flow in Saturated-Unsaturated Porous Media, Radiation Protection Communication, 1998, 18(S), 1-64.