(The following assumes that you have completed all the input work of the document! )
1. At the beginning of the document, select the text content for which you want to set the first-level title, set the font and font size, and then select Format-Paragraph-Indentation and Spacing tab- Outline Level in the menu and set it to 1! (key step! )-"OK" (Note: In this process, the text to be set as the first-level title is always selected! Hehe, it is an extra 0, but it is sometimes ignored. ) So the first-level title is set. Similarly, you can set the titles of Level 2 and Level 3 ... The difference is that you can choose Level 2 and Level 3 ... in the "Outline Level" accordingly.
Secondly, it's easy. Brush other first-level titles with the newly set first-level titles (why, format brushes don't? Ask someone else! ), other level titles and so on.
3. Place the cursor in the position where you want to insert the directory (generally it is better to put it in front of the document), and click Insert-Reference-Index and Directory-Format (the default is from the template, but there is no leading character at this time, you can select classical Chinese first, then select both the displayed page number and the right-aligned page number, and select one. ), and finally press "OK"! ! All right.
But don't be too happy, you may find that the format of the automatically generated directory is not quite what you expected, such as too large line spacing and too small font. You can reset the directory at this time. Move the cursor to any position in front of the table of contents, and then repeat Insert-Reference-Index and Table of Contents. At this time, you will find that the format has changed to From Template, and then click Modify on the right. In the pop-up dialog box, modify the format of directory 1 and directory 2. They actually correspond to each other. All right! ! !
5. As for whether the line spacing of the table of contents is too large or too small, you can only select all the tables of contents, and then set the line spacing in Format-Paragraph, which is the same as editing text, so you don't have to bother.
When generating the directory, modify the format and set all the indents to be the same, so that the problems you mentioned will not occur.
About the format modification of the directory, insert-reference-index and directory-modification. After entering, select Modify, Format-Paragraph, first look at the style of the first-level table of contents (only look at paragraphs), select the second-level table of contents, modify the format-paragraph, indent to the first-level title, and leave the rest unchanged. After confirmation, the third level adopts the same method.
The Problem of Inserting Page Numbers in WORD Documents
First, the page number starts from the second page.
1. Select Insert-Page Number to open the Page Number dialog box.
2. Uncheck the "Show Page Numbers on Home Page" check box, and then click the "Format" button to open the "Page Number Format" dialog box.
3. Type the number "0" in the box after "Starting Page Number".
4. Press "OK" to exit.
Second, the page number starts from any page.
1. Place the cursor at the top of the page where you want to start page numbering.
2. Select Insert-Delimiter to open the Delimiter dialog box. Under Delimiter Type, click the Select Next radio button.
3. Select the view-header and footer, and place the cursor at the footer.
4. In the header and footer toolbars, do the following in turn:
① Click the "Same as before" button to break the link with the previous section.
② Click the Insert Page Number button, and then click the Page Number Format button to open the Page Number Format dialog box.
③ Enter the corresponding starting page number in the box after "Starting Page Number".
④ Click the "Close" button.
Third, the page numbers are discontinuous.
If you need to arrange the page numbers of Table of Contents and Body respectively, you can follow the following steps:
1. Place the cursor at the top of the page to be renumbered.
2. Select Insert-Delimiter to open the Delimiter dialog box, and then click the Select Next Page Check button under Delimiter Type.
3. Select Insert-Page Number to open the Page Number dialog box. Click the Format button to open the Page Number Format dialog box.
4. Type the number "1" in the box after "Starting Page Number".
5. Press "OK" to exit.
Fourth, the page number is displayed in each column.
Insert page numbers as usual after the document is divided into columns, and only one page number can be realized. How to achieve a separate page number for each column? You can use the functions of the domain.
1. Select "View-Header and Footer" and place the cursor in the left column of the footer, and the page number will be placed here.
2. Press Ctrl+F9 function key at the same time, and a shaded "{}" will appear at the cursor position, which is the symbol of the domain.
3. After entering "=" in "{}", press Ctrl+F9 function key at the same time, and enter "Page" in the curly braces that appear this time (indicating the field code for inserting "Current Page").
4. Move the cursor to a pair of curly braces and enter "*2- 1". At this time, you get a line of field code in the footer: "{={page}*2- 1}}".
5. Place the cursor on the field code, click the right mouse button and select Update Field to view the page number in the left column of the current page.
6. Select the field code you just entered, copy it, and paste it in the right column of the footer where the page number is placed.
7. Select the domain you just pasted, right-click to switch the domain code, change the domain code "{={page}*2- 1}}" to "{={page}*2}}", and right-click to select the update domain.
1. How to set the header and footer?
View → Header and Footer will open the header and footer editing toolbar, and switch to the header editing status at the same time, and enter the content in the corresponding place.
2. What is "section break" and how to set it up?
"section break" divides the document into two sections from the inserted section break, and the page and format of each section can be set separately. Setting method: insert → separator, select the next one in section break type, and insert section break at the specified position.
There is a cover and a text in the document. The cover page does not need the page number of the header, but the body should be set. What should I do?
① Insert "section break" at the end of the cover to separate the cover from the text: place the cursor where you want to insert section break, and insert → separator → section break type → next page;
2. Edit the page number of the header: View → Header and Footer, enter the contents of the header and insert the page number. At this time, the cover and text will have headers and page numbers;
③ Cancel the setting of "Same as the previous section" in each section, so that each section can write independently: position the cursor in the second section (the section where the text is located) in the header, click "Same as the previous section" on the header footer editing toolbar, and cancel the setting of "Same as the previous section", so that the headers of the two sections can be set separately (because the default setting is "Same as the previous section"), otherwise no matter which section is modified,
4. Cancel the title text on the cover: adjust the cursor to the title of 1 and delete the title text. There will still be a default underline at this time, just cancel the page number.
⑤ Delete the underline in the header: Select all headers (note that paragraph marks must also be selected. You can also click the left mouse button three times), format → border and shading → border → none. Note that the application scope at the bottom right of the dialog box should be paragraphs, and then click OK to cancel the underline.
⑥ Set the page number in the header or footer of the text: If the page number is directly inserted, the cover page will be 1 page, arranged in low order. At this time, just select the page number, click the format page number → layout page number → start page number in the header and footer editing toolbar, and enter the corresponding number. (You can start with any number of pages)
So the cover has neither a header nor a page number. Of course, the order from ① to ③ should not be changed, and the latter items can be reversed. By analogy, for documents with chapters or multiple covers, repeating these settings can make each chapter have different headers and different page numbers.
4. For documents with tables, the tables edited during typesetting will always be disrupted. What should I do?
In order to prevent the edited table from being disturbed by the change of format, you can insert page breaks before and after the table to ensure that the table will not be disturbed no matter how it is typeset: insert → separator → separator type → page break.
5. In a document with vertical pages, it is suddenly necessary to arrange the pages horizontally. What should I do?
Set two "section break" after the first page that needs to be arranged horizontally, then set the page and select "Horizontal" as the layout.
6. What is the difference between "section break" and "Page Break"?
Both of these characters can be paginated, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the functions that look the same. In fact, the main difference is that each section separated by "section break" can set different page numbers, headers, footers and page numbers, but page breaks cannot.
7. The document has multiple chapters, and each chapter has a different cover. At the same time, there are many tables in the document, including horizontal and vertical versions. However, it is required that the header content of each chapter is different and the page numbers are connected, and the page numbers are not arranged on the cover of each chapter. What should I do?
① Insert "section break" to divide the document into several sections: after the cursor is adjusted to the last character of each section, the section cover and layout in different directions, insert → separator → section break type → next page, and repeat the operation;
② Cancel the setting of "Same as the previous section" in each section: position the cursor on the header, click "Same as the previous section" in the header and footer editing toolbar, and cancel the setting of "Same as the previous section", so that the header and footer of each section can be set independently without changing the contents of other sections, and the footer will be treated the same.
③ Edit the page number of the header: enter the contents of the header and insert the page number in the corresponding position;
4. Cancel the header text of the cover: adjust the cursor to the header of the cover and delete the header text. At this time, there will still be a default underline, just cancel the page number;
⑤ Delete the underline in the header: select all the headers to cancel (note that paragraph marks must also be selected. You can also click the left mouse button three times), format → border and shading → border → none. Note that the application scope at the bottom right of the dialog box should be paragraphs, and then click OK to cancel the underline.
⑥ Set the page number in the header or footer of the text: If you insert the page number directly, the cover will also be sorted. At this time, just select the page number, click the format page number → layout page number → start page number in the header and footer editing toolbar, and enter the corresponding number. (You can start with any number of pages)
⑦ Re-edit the page headers and footers in different directions: in a vertical document, the header of a horizontal page is on the long side by default, while the header of a vertical page is on the short side, which needs to be adjusted.
A. Cancel the header and footer of the horizontal page: see ④ and ⑤;
B. Insert a text box in the header: set the cursor to the header, insert → text box → vertical, press the left mouse button, the cursor will become+,then draw a text box, enter text, select text and paragraph marks at the same time, select format → border and shading → customize.
C. Adjust the text direction: select the text in the title text box and adjust the corresponding text direction.
D. Page number setting: the page number can also be done, but the page number is inserted in the text box;
E. Unborder the text box: point the mouse at the border of the text box. When the cursor changes to a cross arrow, double-click the left mouse button to open the Format Text Box dialog box, and set Line to None to eliminate the border of the text box.
F, put the header page number text box in the corresponding position: when the cursor height is a cross arrow, just press the left key and pull it to the corresponding position.
As long as a layout is set, you can use the paste function to copy the same layout in the future.