The story begins with the celestial burial. Jamba is a mountain patrol member who was arrested by poachers during a night patrol. They took him hostage, tied him up while he was dozing off, and then shot and skinned the Tibetan antelope in front of him. The scene was particularly bloody. Finally, when the poacher was ready to leave, he confirmed that Jamba was a mountain patrol, and then he shot him.
Hot hands turned around and calmly continued to let several hired herders peel quickly. In the meantime, it only costs 5 yuan a skin. In just a few years, the number of Tibetan antelopes in Hoh Xil has dropped sharply from one million to tens of thousands. Seeing this, I suddenly feel that human nature is terrible, and human nature can be so ugly in life.
At this time, the reporter in Beijing found Tairi, the captain of the mountain patrol team, and began the story of hunting poachers. The whole movie is quite depressing. The endless Hoh Xil was originally called a beautiful girl by local people. It should be a very pure place, but because of the greed and madness of poachers, the only holy place in China has also been defiled.
The leader of the mountain patrol team said that more than 10,000 Tibetan antelopes are slaughtered every year, and their fur is sold to European and American countries. Due to the degradation of the desert, many herders have to become tools for these poachers to kill and skin Tibetan antelopes for them.
Looking at the bodies of Tibetan antelopes by the lake is particularly uncomfortable, especially thought-provoking, and I especially admire the mountain patrol members. I don't have much money, and I connect my only strength with poachers through my own feelings. What a great power this is.
The ending of the story is also tragic. In the process of hunting poachers, because of insufficient materials and altitude sickness, captain Tairi asked Dong Liu to take a car to send the wounded back to the capital, and he wanted to exchange the sheepskin he had handed in for money to save people.
Unfortunately, Dong Liu met the man-eating quicksand on his way back to meet him after the replenishment. His car got stuck in the sand, and people were unfortunately buried together in the quicksand.
The captain's team continued to chase the poachers halfway, but another misfortune came. A car broke down halfway, and the captain told them to wait for Liu Dongdi to meet them on the road. Captain Tairi personally took Jin Yu to hunt.
When they tried to catch up with poachers, Taiwan and Japan were finally killed by poachers because they were alone and outnumbered. Because the jade was not spared by the mountain patrol team, Ma Zhanlin suggested that the jade should follow the footprints and finally walk out of Hoh Xil.
The film was sorted out because the reporter finally returned to Beijing today, which promoted the state's governance of Hoh Xil. Finally, I couldn't help crying. Because of these silent soldiers, the beauty of Hoh Xil will last forever.
Think again, how many people are behind such a stable and happy country and society today. Take the recent Sino-Indian border conflict as an example. China has been developing steadily, and how many border guards are persisting and paying.