The Chinese translation of AlphaGo is called "Alpha Dog". This Chinese name sounds very kind. Before the "Man-Dog War" started, Ke Jie said proudly that he would defeat the dog on behalf of mankind. Ke Jie, who has lost two out of three games, dare not talk big, but changed his mind and called AlphaGo "God".
Nie Weiping, who has always been proud, became humble in front of "Alpha Dog" and began to call him "Teacher". When AlphaGo played a clever "merger" against Ke Jie in the second game, Nie Weiping sighed, "Teacher A's move is so awesome that I will never think of it in my next life. Ke Jie can only find bugs if he wants to win, otherwise we will send someone to pull out a power supply or something. "
Some experts said that in these "human-dog wars", some of AlphaGo's chess skills also reflected some improvisational "creativity", and many of its moves were never used by human chess players before. Therefore, I suggest that the human category regards AlphaGo as a simple dog and should respect it as a teacher. At present, awe of computers or artificial intelligence is not a bad thing.