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Vaughn Lake & Hartman, M. (20 10). Aging and visual short-term memory: the influence of object type and information load. Aging, neuropsychology and psychology. Cognition, 17( 1), 35-54. doi: 10. 1080/ 13825580903009063。
Wendell, R, Reggia, J, weems, S, & Bunting (2009). Oscillating Herb Edge Network Model of Short-term Memory. Neurocomputing, 2 1(3), 74 1-76 1. Retrieved from the psychology and behavioral science collection database.
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Frenkel company. Bourdin (2009). Short-term memory of verbal, visual and spatial sequences: evaluation of storage ability in children and adolescents with Down syndrome. Journal of Research on Intellectual Disability, 53(2), 152- 160. doi: 10. 1 1 1 1/j . 1365-2788.2008.0 1 139 . x。
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