Instead, you can use other identifiers to refer to specific parts or chapters of an industry report, such as the number, title and chapter name in the report. This will help readers accurately locate the content you quoted.
Here are some examples of how to quote industry reports:
MLA format:
The title of the industry report. Name and year of the company or institution.
APA format:
The name of the company or organization. (year). The title of the industry report. From the URL.
Please note that the specific citation format may be different according to different citation specifications and publishing requirements. Therefore, when writing a paper, it is best to refer to the citation norms used and provide appropriate citation formats according to their guidelines.
If the industry report has a specific page number structure, or if you quote a specific paragraph or chart, you can include relevant page number information in the citation. However, please make sure to follow the requirements of the reference specification when quoting.