2. Review of Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics for 40 years. Foreign Language Teaching and Research 2000( 1). (This article is reproduced in the full text of Language and Literature, No.7, 2000, compiled by the Information Center of Books and Newspapers of China Renmin University, pp. 23-29).
3. Discourse, function and language teaching. (Second author, co-authored with Feng) Foreign Languages 2000(2).
4. Review of China's Systemic Functional Linguistics for 20 years. Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching 2000(5).
5. Analysis of official teaching evaluation in British universities. (The first author, in cooperation with Zhong Weizhen) Foreign Educational Materials 2000(3).
6. Functional grammar analysis of English verb-phrase complex. Modern Foreign Languages 2000(3).
7. Introduction to Functional Grammar (40,000 words). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.
8. The textual structure of the written "Letter to My Intimate Sister: Reply" schema. Ren Shaozeng, William guthrie, and Fang Liwei (editor. ) 200 1. Grammar and Discourse: Proceedings of the International Conference on Discourse Analysis. Macau: University of Macau Publishing Center, pp. 147- 155.
9. Coincidence theme in systemic functional grammar. Modern Foreign Languages 200 1(2).
10. Wolf's hidden category theory. (First author, cooperating with Ding Jianxin) Foreign Language Teaching and Research 200 1(4). (This paper is reproduced from the full text of Linguistics of Newspaper Materials 200 1No. 1 1 compiled by the Library and Newspaper Information Center of China Renmin University, pp. 58-65).
1 1. Functional discourse analysis. Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching 200 1( 12). (Text, Function and Cognition, edited by Yang Zhong and Zhang Shaojie, Jilin People's Publishing House, 2003)
12. Functional syntactic analysis of English comparative structures. Linguistics Research and Application in China, edited by Dong Yanping and Wang Chuming, Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 200 1.
13. Introduction to English Functional Analysis (10000 words). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 200 1.
14. the enlightenment of functional linguistics analysis to translation studies-an empirical functional analysis of the English version of Qingming. Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching 2002(5). (This article is reproduced and copied in "Linguistics of Newspaper Materials", No.8, 2002, compiled by China Renmin University Library and Newspaper Information Center, 122- 128).
15. An analysis of the logical function of Du Mu's English version of Qingming. Foreign Language and Translation 2002( 1).
16. An analysis of the interpersonal function of the English version of Qingming. Foreign Language Teaching 2002(3).
17. Citation analysis in English translation of Tang poetry. Journal of Foreign Languages 2002(3).
18. Text Linguistics and Translation Studies. (Cooperation with Zhang Meifang) China Translation 2002(3).
19. Yang Zijian, Multidisciplinary Research and Application of Language, Nanning: Guangxi Education Press, 2002.
20. Functional discourse analysis of English translation of Tang poetry. Journal of PLA Foreign Languages Institute 2002(5).
2 1. Halliday linguistics in China. In world English. Volume 2 1, No.2, 2002, page 28 1-290.
22. Discourse and translation. Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching 2002(7).
23. Introduction to Cardiff Grammar. (The first author, in cooperation with Feng) published in the editor-in-chief "Textual Language Functional Language Teaching". Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press, 2002, p. 187-205.
24. Split sentences as grammatical metaphors. Huang Guangwei & Wang Zhenyu edited Discourse and Language Function. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002, pp.34-4 1.
25. Functional discourse analysis. Foreign Language Teaching 2002(4).
26. Determine the translation unit from the perspective of discourse analysis. Translation quarterly, 2003(30), pp. 75-93.
27. A functional linguistic attempt to make a contrastive study of Chinese and English texts. Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching 2003(2). A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Languages and Cultures (1995-2003), edited by Wang Juquan and Zheng Lixin. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2002.
28. On the importance of "formal equivalence" from the English translation of Tianjin Sha Qiu Si. China Translation 2003(2)
29. Time analysis in English translation of ancient poems. Journal of Sichuan International Studies University 2003( 1).
30. For several English versions of Qingming Festival from the perspective of textual function, see Linguistics: China Synchronizing with the World, edited by Gwan Chin, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2003.
3 1. Representation of Static and Dynamic in Translation-An Analysis of Liu Zongyuan's English Version of Jiang Xue. Foreign Language and Translation 2003( 1).
32. Code-switching from the perspective of functional linguistics. Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching 2003( 12) (second author: Lu,,).
33. Introduction to Functional Discourse Analysis. Dimensions of Language, edited by Wang Bin. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press, 2003, p. 89- 1 16.
34. A summary of the research on code-switching structure. Foreign Languages and Literature 2004(2) (second author: Wang Jin, Guo-Wen Huang).
35. Study code-switching from the perspective of conversation analysis. Foreign Language Teaching 2004(4) (second author:,, Lu,).
36. Discourse tone and code-switching in newspapers. Foreign Language Teaching and Research 2004(5) (second author: Wang Jin, Guo-Wen Huang).
37. Functional Linguistic Approach to Translation Studies. China Translation 2004(5).
38. Functional linguistics and discourse analysis. Research on Foreign Language Art Education 2004(3).
39. The choice of form and the embodiment of meaning-a study of person in the English translation of ancient poems. Research on Foreign Language Art Education 2004(4).
40. Jane Lunkma (2004) Introduction to Discourse Studies (Amsterdam: John Benjamin), list of linguists: Vol- 16- 1220. Monday, April 2005 18. ISSN: 1068 - 4875。 (Monday, April 18, 2005, 4: 33 pm)
4 1. Susan Akins (2004) Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics (2nd Edition) (London: Continuum International Publishing Group Co., Ltd.), list of linguists: Vol- 16- 1590. Wednesday, May 65, 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875。 (Wednesday, 8 May 2005, 65438+2 1:4 1:36)
42. Functional linguistics and language studies. Research on Foreign Language Art Education 2005(3).
43. China's functional linguistics yesterday and today. Theory and Application of Functional Linguistics, edited by Guo-Wen Huang, Chenguang Chang and Ding Jianxin. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2005.
44. Characteristics of electronic discourse. Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching 2005( 12).
45. Development of Systemic Functional Linguistics in China. (with Zhang Delu, Edward McDonald and Yan Fang). In Ruqaiya Hasan, Christian Matthiessen and Jonathan Webster (eds.) 2005. On the continuity of language from the perspective of function. London: vernal equinox, pp. 15-36.
46. Determination of analysis unit in code-switching research. Journal of Foreign Languages 2006( 1).
47. Cultural context and discourse order. Foreign Language Teaching 2006(2).
48. Analyze the English translation of ancient poems from a linguistic perspective. 2006 Foreign Language Forum (1).
49. Functional linguistics and applied linguistics. Research on Foreign Language Art Education 2006(2).
50. Some questions about language exploration in translation studies. Research on Foreign Language Art Education 2006(3).
5 1. Discourse analysis and discourse analysis. Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching 2006( 10). (First author: Guo-Wen Huang, Xu Jun).
52. Translation from the perspective of contact linguistics-A case study of Guangzhou newspaper translation. China Translation 2006(5) (second author: Wang Jin, Guo-Wen Huang).
53. Recursion in discourse structure. Foreign Language Teaching and Research 2006(5) (second author: Wang Yong,).
54. Systemic functional linguistics as applied linguistics. English Studies 2006(4).
55. The concept of "discourse" in social semiotics theory. See New Theory of Symbols and Semiotics edited by Gu Jiazu and Xin Bin. Nanjing: Southeast University Press, 2006, pp.29-35.
56. Functional linguistics and translation studies. See Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies edited by Wang Dongfeng. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press, 2006, pp.67-76.
57. Personalized language research and scientific research innovation. Journal of Foreign Languages 2007( 1).
58. Reflections on "Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics". Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching 2007(4) 1988: A Summary of Discourse Analysis. Changsha: Hunan Education Press.
1996: (editor) meaning and form: system function explanation-Michael Halliday's research. (about 500,000 words) (with Berry, M., Butler, C., Fossett, R.) Norwood, New Jersey (USA): ablex,/kloc-0 1996.659pp
1996: English compound sentences-from sentences to texts (first author). Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.
1997: Collection of Chinese Studies (First Editor). Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press.
1999: a study of English language problems. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press.
1999: A Concise English Grammar Dictionary for College and Middle School Students (First Editor). Guangzhou: Guangdong Education Press.
200 1: theory and practice of discourse analysis. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
2002: Textual Language Functional Language Teaching (Editor-in-Chief). Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press.
2002: Discourse and Language Function (edited with Wang Zongyan). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
2003: English Intensive Theme: Its Structure and Function. Taiyuan: Shanxi Education Press.
2004: Functional Linguistics and Discourse Analysis (Special Issue, 96 pages) (Invited Editor-in-Chief of Foreign Language Art Education Research in Guangdong Foreign Language Arts Teachers College, No.3, 2004)
2005: Functional Linguistics and Language Studies (Special Issue, 96 pages) (Invited Editor-in-Chief of Foreign Language Art Education Research in Guangdong Foreign Language Arts Teachers College, No.3, 2005)
2005: Theory and Application of Functional Linguistics (First Editor). Beijing: Higher Education Press.
2006: Linguistic Exploration of Translation Studies. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
2006: Functional Discourse Analysis (first author). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
2006: Functional Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (special issue, 96 pages) (invited editor-in-chief of Research on Foreign Language Art Education of Guangdong Foreign Language Arts Teachers College, No.2, 2006).
2006: Discourse Analysis and Research (album, 122) (Invited Editor of English Studies, Sichuan International Studies University, No.4, 2006).
2006: Functional Linguistics as Applied Linguistics (Functional Linguistics and Applied Linguistics). (first editor). Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press.
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Hemingway, the author of The Old Man and the Sea, only one-eighth of his creative pursuit is expressed in words, and the remaining seven-eigh