1.**JCR database * *: This is provided by ClarivateAnalytics, and it is the most authoritative journal citation report database at present. You can log in to official website directly and enter the name of the journal for query.
2.**SCImagoJournalRank**: This is a comprehensive and regular evaluation tool, and many other factors are considered besides the influencing factors. You can find the comprehensive ranking of periodicals in its official website.
3.**GoogleScholar**: Although GoogleScholar itself does not provide impact factors, you can roughly estimate its impact by looking at the number of "citations" of journals. Click on the journal name, and then look at the "cited times" on the right.
4.**CNKI China Knowledge Network * *: For researchers in China, CNKI is a commonly used database. On its platform, you can query the impact factors of most Chinese periodicals.
5.** Contact the editorial department directly * *: If you are interested in a periodical, you can contact its editorial department directly and ask about the latest influencing factors.
6.** Academic conferences and seminars * *: On these occasions, experts often share information about top journals in a certain field and their influencing factors.
7.** Library resources * *: Many university libraries have subscription-related database services, such as WebofScience and Scopus. These databases usually show the impact factors of journals.