1.IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques: This is one of the most authoritative journals in the microwave field, which involves the research of microwave theory, design and application. The magazine published many important research results and innovative technologies.
2. Microwave and Optical Technology Express: This is an open access periodical, which mainly focuses on the latest progress and technical application in microwave and optical fields. The magazine has published many high-level research papers and review articles.
3. Journal of Microwave, Optoelectronic and Electromagnetic Applications: This is an international magazine, covering the research in the fields of microwave, optoelectronics and electromagnetic applications. The magazine has published many high-quality research papers and review articles.
4.IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters: This is a periodical focusing on the field of microwave and wireless components, and has published many research papers on the design and performance analysis of new components.
5. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technology: This is an international magazine covering the research in the field of microwave and wireless technology. The magazine has published many high-level research papers and review articles.