(1) College (discipline) audit.
For the scientific research results submitted by graduate students, the college (discipline group) should check whether the publication time, publication grade, signature and publication status are true and register them in the degree information system.
(2) Review by the Sub-committee on Degree Evaluation.
The secretary of the degree evaluation sub-committee examines the number of papers published by students (published or published online or with proof of proofreading) and whether the published papers meet the requirements of degree application. Those who meet the requirements for degree application shall be submitted to the degree evaluation sub-committee for discussion and review. Those who do not meet the conditions for applying for a degree, the degree evaluation sub-committee will not discuss it and may postpone the conferment of a degree.
(3) academic degree evaluation committee audit.
Without the discussion and approval of the degree evaluation sub-Committee, the meeting will not be discussed.