The format of various foreign language references is the same as that of Chinese examples. In order to facilitate computer retrieval, it is suggested that titles and notional words should be capitalized, and periodical titles can be in full name or abbreviation format with reference to ISO 4. In order to reduce the citation statistics and link errors caused by nonstandard citation of foreign periodical names, it is suggested to add the serial number after the periodical names in the format of (SXXXX-XXXX). Example:
Jones R.M. Mechanics of Composite Materials [M]. new york: McGraw Hill Books, 1975.
[25] Marcel Moore. Sociology of international relations [M]. Fourth edition. Paris: Dallos, 1988.
[26] Chernik B.E. Introduction of Library Service for Library Technicians [M]. lyttleton, Colorado: Library Unlimited Company, 1982.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Name: the national usage of the items in the catalogue [M]. Third edition. London: IFLA UBC International Office, 1977?
28 Klaus hildebrand. Imperial division [M]. Munich: German Press, 1979.
[29]Григорян С В.рудничнаягеохимия[m].Москва: Недра, 1992.