For "China", Song Ru explained it like this. Cheng Yi said, "Impartiality is China" and "China is the right way in the world"; Zhu yue said, "the middle one is impartial, and the lower one is nameless"; Lu Jiuyuan said that "it is a virtue in China, and it is inappropriate to say that it is inappropriate"; Wang Yangming said, "China is just a question of justice"; Duan Yucai's Notes on Explaining Characters in Shuowen said: "The one who is in the middle is different from the one who is partial." .
Combining the meaning of the word "zhong" in pre-Qin classics and the explanations of Cheng Yi, Zhu, Lu Jiuyuan, Wang Yangming and Duan Yucai, the characteristics of the word "zhong" can be summarized as follows: in terms of methods, the meaning of "zhong" is moderate, moderate, excessive and just right; In terms of behavior, "neutrality" means rationality, justice and appropriateness; Morally speaking, "neutralization" means fairness and justice, expressing feelings and ending with ceremony. Therefore, "neutrality" is a basic method or principle.
Another word related to "zhong" is "Yong", which has always been interpreted in two ways. The first explanation refers to common sense, theorem, common, ordinary, feasible and universally applicable. The second explanation refers to a specific purpose or application. If "Zhong" refers to a basic principle and method, then "Yong" refers to the concrete application of these principles and methods in practice.