2. Founder, Sun Xiaomin, Luo Qingming. A simple x-ray hardening correction method for computerized tomography system. Journal of Optics, 2007,27 (2): 302 ~ 306 [EI: 9456449] (ISSN: 0253-2239, CN: 3 1-65438).
3. Founder, Luo Qingming. Method of eliminating fracture artifacts in CT imaging by double CCD stitching. Optical technology, 2007,33 (6): 863 ~ 866 [EI: 2007510983640] (ISSN:1002-65440).
4. Kun Bi, Zeng Shaoqun, Luo Qingming, Liu Qian. Cross-sectional imaging of rice tillers based on μCT system. In 2007, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Biomedical Photonics and Imaging, Wuhan, China, 237 ~ 240 (ISBN:10981-283-233-5).
5. Gong Hui Fang Zheng. Practical contour segmentation algorithm for digital photographic images of small animals. Advances in biomedical optics and imaging, 2008,10 (42): 72800k-1~ 72800k-6 [ei: 20092312105577] (/kloc-0)
6. Founder, Gong Hui, Zhang Tianxu. Three-dimensional development of zebrafish heart based on μCT imaging and post-processing. Science and technology for development, 2009,59 (10): 44 ~ 45 (ISSN:1672-996x, CN: 1 1.
7. Founder, Shen Jianqing. Sweden-the pioneer of the new SE-AIP submarine. Shipborne electrical technology, 200 1, 2:1~ 5,32 (ISSN:1003-4862, CN: 42- 1268).
Fang Quan, founder, Zhong, Luo Qingming,. Correction of X-ray source position in cone-beam micro-CT image reconstruction. CT theory and application research, 2006,15 (2): 69 ~ 73 (ISSN:1004-4140, CN.
9. Gong Hui and Zhang Tianxu. Prototype flat plate μCT system for small animal research. In 2009, the 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, Tianjin, China, 328 ~ 332 [EI: 20/KOOC-0/003/KOOC-0/2643732] (ISBN: 978-/KOOC-0/-4244-4/KOOC-0/.
10., Gong Hui,, Zhang Tianxu. Influence of projection number on slice image quality of micro-ct system. Go on. SPIE,7497:74972 b- 1 ~ 74972 b-5[EI:20095 1 12550624](0277-786 x)
1 1. Founder, Wang Yongyu, Zhang Tianxu. Identification of materials by fourier infrared remote sensing emission spectrometry. Journal of optics, 29, 2009:198 ~ 201[ei: 20101265438].
12. Zhang Fan, Founder, Liu Ming, Huang He. Preliminary design of terrain recognition system. The 33rd International IEEE EMBS Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA