Anatoly Grigoli Yevich Yegorov (анатолинргоржеви) Yegorov specializes in research. In the great debate about the essence of beauty in 1950s and 1960s, he was one of the main representatives of the "naturalism" school and had great influence in the field of Soviet philosophy and aesthetics. His masterpiece in aesthetics is the collection of essays "Aesthetic Problems", which contains ten important aesthetic papers published by the author since 1950s: Aesthetics —— Important Struggle Field of Leninism, Production Construction and Aesthetic Task; Labor Aesthetics is Science, Scientific and Technological Revolution and Art; Characteristics of Art and Its Position in Social Life; On Art, which mainly discusses the object, task and methodology of aesthetics. In this book, yegorov comprehensively and keenly reflects the recent new trends and research achievements of the Soviet aesthetic circle. He criticized some popular viewpoints about aesthetic objects in Soviet aesthetics, pointed out that "the aesthetics of our society can and should explore the beauty problems in all forms of effective labor in Soviet society while studying art", proposed for the first time that labor aesthetics should become a science, and systematically discussed its research objects, tasks, relations with other sciences and its various components. On the methodology of aesthetic research, he advocated strengthening the connection between aesthetics and other sciences and conducting comprehensive research on aesthetic problems in many aspects, but stressed that only under the premise that specific research methods obey the general philosophical aesthetic methodology can we achieve due results without deviating from the direction. On the other hand, in this book, the author deeply discusses the essential characteristics of art and its position in social life, the relationship between scientific and technological revolution and art, the inheritance and innovation in the development of human art, progress and retrogression, and the interaction between national art and culture, and analyzes and criticizes the main viewpoints of modern bourgeois aesthetic schools.