Comment is the text that the author further explains or supplements a certain content in the text. It should not be included in the references at the end of the article, but should be placed under the page as a note, and the serial number should be marked with ① ②. The works mentioned in the notes keep the usual format, such as: leaving two lines blank from the text; Separate or merge comments according to the index number in the text; The "Notes" are in bold type No.5, the contents of the notes are in small song style No.5 in Chinese and Times New Roman No.9 in English.
The specific requirements of English annotations are as follows: there should be quotation marks in the text, such as ×××; If the same work by the same author appears repeatedly, only the author's surname and citation page number shall be indicated (comma shall be added between surname and page number); The format requirements are as follows: (empty two boxes) author's name (first name followed by English period), book title (italicized, followed by English period), place of publication (followed by colon), publisher or publisher (followed by comma), date of publication (followed by comma) and page number (followed by English period).
(two boxes in space) Author's name (first name, last name, followed by English period), article title (caused by "") (one box in space) followed by magazine name (italicized, followed by comma), volume number (issue number), publication year, page number and English period.
A paper generally consists of title, author, table of contents, abstract, key words, text, references and appendices, some of which (such as appendices) are dispensable. The composition order of the paper is: title, author, abstract, keywords, English title, English abstract, English keywords, text, references, appendix and thanks.