(1) academic journal literature.
[serial number] author. File title [J]. Name of publication, year of publication, number of volumes (number of issues): page numbers from beginning to end.
(2) Academic works.
[serial number] author, title [m], edition (first no note), translator, place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: page numbers.
(3) Papers with ISBN number.
[serial number] Author, title [a], editor-in-chief, collection name [c], publishing place: publishing house, publishing year: page number from beginning to end.
(4) Dissertation.
[serial number] author. Title [d] Storage location: storage unit, year.
(5) Patent documents.
[serial number] patent owner. Patent name [p]. Patent country: patent number, release date.
(6) technical standards.
[serial number] standard code, standard name. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication.
(7) newspaper articles.
[serial number] author, title [n], registration, publication date (edition).
(8) report.
[serial number] author. The title of the document. Report location: organizer and year of the report.
(9) Electronic documents.
[serial number] author. Title of electronic document [document type/carrier type]. Document website or source, release or update date/reference date (optional).