r=imRGB(:,:, 1);
b=imRGB(:,:,3); Respectively extracting three-color gray-scale images
[m n] = size (r); Extract the width and length of monochrome graphics matrix
A = zero (m, n); Create a zero matrix a of m * n.
Because i = 1: m
For j = 1: n
a(i,j) = min(r(i,j),g(i,j));
a(i,j)= min(a(i,j),b(i,j)); The minimum values of the three color components are sequentially compared and extracted as a dark channel graph.
D = unit (15,15); Use 15* 15 to create identity matrix.
fun = @(block _ struct)min(min(block _ struct . data))* d;
dark = blockproc(a,[ 15 15],fun); Divide the picture into small blocks of 15* 15, and make each block take the minimum value.
Dark = dark (1:m,1:n);
I'm a novice, too, brother. I can only help you here.