1. Academic: An academic paper requires the author not to have personal bias or make subjective assumptions in the argument. When writing a paper, we should proceed from the objective reality, and then we can draw a conclusion that accords with the reality. When using arguments, we should use the most sufficient and powerful arguments as the basis for argumentation, and we should carefully consider and strictly demonstrate when demonstrating.
Second, scientific: formally, academic papers belong to argumentative papers, but academic papers are different from argumentative papers. They have their own theoretical system, not only listing materials, but also analyzing and studying a large number of facts and materials, from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge.
Third, creativity: scientific research is to explore new knowledge, and innovation is the life of scientific research. The originality of the paper lies in the author's unique views when writing academic papers. The scientific method is mainly to discover new phenomena and establish new theories, and the old scientific theories will inevitably overthrow the old scientific theories, because the scientific method is mainly to discover new phenomena and establish new theories. Therefore, academic papers without creativity are of no scientific value. How to choose the paper duplicate checking system?
Fourth, theoretical: the theoretical nature of academic papers refers to expressing scientific truth in easy-to-understand language, which should be accurate, clear, harmonious and vivid.