It can be seen that the residual block contains two kinds of mappings, one is the identity mapping, which refers to the curve in the above figure, and the other is the residual mapping, which refers to the part outside the curve, so the final output is y = f (x)+X)+x. As the name implies, the identity mapping refers to itself, which is X in the formula, and the residual mapping refers to "difference", which is Y? X, so the residual refers to the F(x) part. So the F(x) that the network needs to learn is the difference between the input and the target, so it is called residual network.
The original ResNet is mainly used for image classification and recognition tasks, and it is insensitive to spatial information. In the tracking task, spatial information is very important for the accurate positioning of the target, so it needs to be improved before it can be used in the tracking task.
The above picture shows the network structure diagram of SiamRPN++, and its backbone is the reformed ResNet-50. The original ResNet-50 has a stride of 32, which is not suitable for tracking. The author modified the step distance of the last two blocks, reduced the total step distance to 8, and increased the receptive field through hole convolution. As can be seen from the above figure, the characteristics of different depth convolution layers of ResNet are adopted, and an additional convolution layer of 1× 1 is added to the output of each block, reducing the number of characteristic channels to 256. The article retains all padding layers.
English expression model essay 1
I prefer to teach my English class only in English, because it helps us to improve our listening and speaking ab