Hownet, after all, before this, he showed his postdoctoral entry certificate, and he didn't even know that Hownet was really ridiculous. When he became the focus of attention because of academic misconduct, it also brought a major storm to the academic community. Under the influence of his incident, colleges and universities are also very strict in checking the duplicate of graduation thesis, and many colleges and universities have revised their policies, leading graduates to abuse Zhai Tianlin online first when writing their thesis.
Make papers more difficult, because the events in the sky not only make it more difficult for them to write papers, but also make them more burdened. In fact, in order to avoid these things, everyone has also raised the standard a lot, which is a good thing for the academic community. With the increase of difficulty, they will try their best to write more quality articles, but there are also many papers with many professional terms, and there are also phenomena of duplicate checking and floating red.
Unfair events are also very unfair to such students. However, we can also see that there are many unfair incidents in academic circles. Academic fraud is not limited to Zhai Tianlin, who has been criticized for becoming a model. So when I graduate every year, many students will give Zhai Tianlin language education, and the people who teach him the language are different every year.