The duplicate checking of graduation thesis is aimed at the main body of the thesis, mainly to check the academic misconduct in the thesis, such as plagiarism, plagiarism and tampering. Appendices are usually not included in the scope of duplicate checking, because appendices usually contain some additional information or data, rather than the core content of the main body of the paper.
However, the specific situation may vary from school to school and from major to major. If the school makes it clear that it will check the appendix, then the appendix code may also be checked again. I suggest you carefully read the regulations and requirements provided by the school on duplicate checking of graduation thesis to ensure that your thesis meets the school standards.
In addition, it should be noted that even if the appendix code is not repeated, the originality and academic integrity of the main body of the paper should be guaranteed. If academic misconduct is found, it may have a negative impact on graduation and future career development.