Low-structure materials are characterized by very fragile structures and easy compression, so they must be effectively treated with very little force. These materials are widely used in mechanical engineering, aerospace, chemistry, biomedicine and environmental protection technology.
The diffusion and adsorption of low-structure materials make them effective catalysts. They can change the rate and selectivity of chemical reaction process by adsorbing reactants and carrying out chemical reaction on the surface. These materials can be used to control the size and shape of suspended particles and aerosols, and to adsorb and separate gases, liquids and solids. For example, powder materials are widely used for gas treatment, storage and separation.
Low-structure materials are the basis of building new nano-materials. Can control and assemble low-structure materials to make them have certain orientation and structure. These tissue materials are widely used in biomedicine, nanomaterials, energy storage and conversion, optoelectronics, sensors and information technology. For example, by assembling carbon nanotubes and metal oxide nanoparticles into a low-dimensional structure, efficient photovoltaic cells, energy-saving chemical catalysts and efficient sensors can be manufactured.
In a word, low-structure materials have a very broad application prospect. Their applications in materials science, nano-science and chemical engineering are constantly developing and improving, and will play an increasingly important role in daily life and industrial fields.