2. 1 cover and task book

The contents on the cover and the task book must be filled in or printed with pen, and must be correct.

2.2 Chinese abstract

(1) The word "abstract" (bold type II) is centered with a space between words.

② Under the word "abstract", the content of the abstract (No.4). There are two spaces at the beginning of each paragraph, and punctuation marks occupy one space.

(3) "Keywords:" (small four bold) written in the two spaces after the abstract content. There are 3-5 keywords (Song Song's fourth), which are arranged next to "Keyword:" (no spaces left). Each keyword is separated by a semicolon, and the last keyword is not punctuated.

2.3 foreign language abstracts

(1) "Abstract" (Silla Romana II in the Black Age) is in the middle.

(2) Abstract (The Times New Rome No.4).

(3) "Keywords:" (four times smaller than the Silla horse in bold) four letters written after the abstract. The Key words (Times New Roman, No.4) and "keyword words:" are arranged side by side (no spaces are left), each keyword is separated by a semicolon, and the last keyword is not punctuated.

2.4 Directory

The table of contents is compiled according to two levels of titles (such as Chapter 65438 +0 □□□□□ ……… Chapter 65438 +0, Chapter 65438+0 □□□ …… Chapter 65438+0), with two lines above and below, with the word "Table of Contents" in the middle (bold type 2) and a space between words.

2.5 Chapters, Titles and Levels

The main body of the paper is divided into chapters and sections, and each chapter should start a new page.

The title of each chapter should be focused and concise. The number of words is generally less than 20 words, and punctuation is not allowed. Try not to use English abbreviations in the title, and use abbreviations commonly used in the industry when necessary.

The Chinese text adopts the small four-song style, and the foreign text adopts the small four-song-song style. The line spacing is 1.2 times the line spacing.