The references listed at the end of graduation thesis refer to the references used in the thesis, including monographs, papers and other materials. If it is an unofficial publication, there is no need to list it. The listed references should be arranged in the order of references or citations, and the arrangement standard should not be based on the importance of the documents or the popularity of the authors. The purpose of listing references is: first, to show that there is evidence; The second is to truly respect the research results of others; The fourth is to facilitate others to find and use.
2. Other issues of content structure arrangement
(l) paragraphs and levels paragraphs and levels are the core of the graduation thesis structure.
1 segment. Paragraphs are the unit symbols of the structure of the article, and each paragraph has a meaning. Paragraphs also have some special functions, such as transition. Turn or emphasize the equal argument. A meaningful segment with the level of 1 is called a natural segment.
A paragraph indicates a pause in writing. Generally, the paragraphs of a paper should contain arguments, arguments and argumentation process, and fully express a central meaning. Generally speaking, each paragraph has its own "paragraph meaning", just as the whole text has a central idea (theme). The whole paragraph revolves around a central argument and must be summarized in refined language. We call it the main clause in a paragraph. In order to highlight the key points, the main clause in a paragraph is usually placed at the beginning of the paragraph; Some are placed at the end of the paragraph, which plays the role of induction and summary.
There is no certain standard for the length of paragraph division. The length of the paragraph is related to the length of the article. The paragraphs of a long article can be relatively long; The article is short, the rhythm is fast, and the paragraphs can be shorter. In short, the length of the paragraphs should be moderate. Generally speaking, the paragraphs of a paper are longer than other styles. If the paragraph is too short, it will affect the development of an argument. However, if the paragraph is too long and the discussion is scattered, it will inevitably lead to the imbalance of the structure of the paper, and it will also cause difficulties for readers to understand. The obvious structural disadvantage of some college students' papers is that the paragraphs are too long. A natural paragraph takes up several pages of manuscript paper, and reading a large paragraph is not only laborious, but sometimes it is unintelligible. Technically, this is not good at dividing paragraphs. When another paragraph begins, there is no other paragraph. In thinking, the level of reasoning is not clear enough, and several meanings are intertwined and unclear.