M- Monographs (including works on history and chronicles in ancient books)
Reference type
According to GB3469-83 "File Type and File Carrier Code", it is identified by a single letter:
M- Monographs (including works on history and chronicles in ancient books)
Newspaper articles
Journal articles
Doctoral dissertation
R- research report
S standard
A—— Precipitated documents in monographs and papers.
Z—— Other unspecified literature types
Electronic document types are identified by two letters:
computer program
Electronic bulletin
For electronic documents with non-paper carriers, the carrier type shall be indicated in the reference mark:
A database on an online network
Database/tape database
M/CD-CD books
CP/DK disk software
J/OL- online log
EB/ol- online electronic bulletin
First, the description format of references
1, author of the journal. Title [J] Name of publication, year of publication, volume (issue): page numbers.
2. Monograph author. Title [m]. Version (first edition not recorded). Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: page number.
3. Author, title [c] and editing procedure, name procedure, place of publication: publisher, year of publication: start and end pages.
4. Author of the paper. Title [D] Save the location. Save unit. Year.
5. Title of the patent document [P]. Country. Types of patent documents. Patent number. publication date
6. Standard number. Standard name
7. newspaper author. Title. Newspaper name. Publication date (version)
8. Author of the report. Title [R]. Save the location and year.
9. Author of electronic document. Title [Identification of electronic documents and carrier types]. The source and date of the document.
Second, the types of documents and their identification
1, according to the provisions of GB3469, various commonly used documents are identified as follows:
(1) Journal [j]
(2) Monograph [m]
(3) Essay [c]
④ Dissertation [D]
⑤ patent [p]
⑥ standard
All landowners newspaper
⑧ Technical report [r]
2. The type of electronic document carrier is identified by two letters, as follows:
① magnetic tape [[〔MT〕]
② Disk [[〔DK〕]
③ compact disc [CD]
④ Online network [[〔OL〕]
3. The reference type identification method of electronic document carrier type is [document type identification/carrier type identification]. For example:
① Online online database [DB/OL]
② Tape database [DB/MT]
(3) CD-ROM books
④ Disk software [CP/DK]
⑤ Network Journals [J/OL]
⑥ Online electronic bulletin [EB/OL]