First lumbar vertebra
The first lumbar vertebra may produce symptoms:
Constipation, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, anal fissure, hernia, epigastric pain, liver pain, pancreatitis, diabetes, kidney pain, abnormal urination, urinary calculi, and anterior thigh pain.
Second lumbar vertebra
The second lumbar vertebra may produce symptoms:
Nerve, dyspnea, varicose veins, epigastric pain, liver pain, pancreatitis, diabetes, kidney pain, abnormal urination, urinary calculi, abdominal distension, constipation, numbness in the front of lower limbs.
Third lumbar vertebra
The third lumbar vertebra may produce symptoms:
Dysuria, dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorder, abortion, bedwetting, sexual dysfunction, lifestyle change, knee pain, bilateral low back pain and abdominal pain.
Fourth lumbar vertebra
The fourth lumbar vertebra may produce symptoms:
Sciatica, lumbago, frequent micturition, urgency, dysuria, backache, abdominal pain, numbness of lateral thigh.
Fifth lumbar vertebra
The fifth lumbar vertebra may produce symptoms:
Decreased blood circulation of lower limbs, swollen ankles, barefoot weakness or pain, cold feet, weakness of thighs, leg cramps, numbness in the back of lower limbs, lower abdominal pain, nocturnal emission, irregular menstruation and sexual dysfunction.