Speaking of sustainable production and consumption, we have to talk about its publisher MDPI first.
The predecessor of MDPI is Lin Shukun (born in Hanchuan, Hubei, Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland), and it was established in 1996 as an international organization for the protection of molecular diversity. Its main job is to collect samples of exchange compounds and permanently collect samples with historical value. The organization established the online journal Molecular in advance, which was widely welcomed. Later, the publishing scale was gradually expanded, and in 2003, the publishing fee was charged.
On June 20 10, the organization was renamed MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), and its grand development blueprint has been rolled out. Official website introduced that MDPI is mainly committed to rapidly spreading scientific knowledge to researchers around the world, and it is one of the world pioneers in the field of open access publishing.
MDPI is headquartered in Basel and has branches in China, Spain, Serbia, Britain and Thailand. There are four offices in China, which are located in Tongzhou, Haidian, Hubei, Wuhan and Tianjin. MDPI currently publishes more than 200 periodicals, of which more than 70 are included in SCIE/SSCI.
Sustainable Production and Consumption was founded in 2009, ranking first in the homepage of MDPI website, which shows its important position.