The marginal revolution began in the early 1970s of 19 and lasted for twenty or thirty years. The representative figures of marginal utility school should be British economist jevons, French Lausanne school Walras and Austrian school Meng Le. They published their masterpieces in the early 1970s, and they all discussed the same question, that is, what determines the value.
The prelude and cornerstone of modern economics. The concepts of "margin" and marginal analysis can be seen everywhere in modern economics textbooks. 19 The marginal revolution that took place in the 1970s had a far-reaching impact on the 20th century, modern economics and modern economic operation analysis. What is the demand or motive force of marginal revolution? This is utility, scarcity, and how consumers can enjoy (utility) to the maximum under given conditions, and how to allocate scarce resources to maximize utility. It marks an important change in the theoretical center of economics, from paying attention to subjective and psychological factors to paying attention to demand and supply, and putting demand rather than supply, production and distribution in an unprecedented position.