Design of 100-day countdown system based on PLC
Design of Music Fountain Based on PLC
Design of electronic password lock based on single chip microcomputer
Design of Temperature Control System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
Design of motor speed measurement system based on PLC
These topics can find some physical objects relatively. If you have a PLC at hand, of course it's easy. If there is no PLC, I think MCU is your choice. The cheapest PLC is only a few hundred dollars. Single chip microcomputer is cheap. Go to Taobao to buy a best seller. That product is generally used by more people. The seller also has some technical support. You can also join some QQ groups or something. See more websites for these studies. Don't watch everything, download everything. Find a few with ready-made things. Do more. If you have a computer once, it is better to watch it ten thousand times. Have confidence. Just make up your mind to learn!