"With You" is the ending song of Miyazaki Hayao animated film "City in the Sky" 1986, written by Miyazaki Hayao, composed by Hisaishi Joe and sung by Anju Inoue. It was originally called Jun をのせて in Japanese, and also translated as multiplying with you and walking with you in Chinese. Now it is often mistakenly called the city of the sky. English names carry you.
The piano solo version of this song, the music at the beginning is soothing and soft, which makes people imagine that they are floating in the air, reaching out to touch the clouds around them, and the whole person seems to be light. Then at the climax, the piano is getting louder and louder, and the music becomes like a spring, which makes people feel that everything is gone, there is no war, no noise, only peace and tranquility.
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Introduction to Sky City:
Rabida, an ancient empire, is a huge machine island floating in the air. It is said that this place is uninhabited and contains great wealth. So the military and pirates are looking for this legendary flying island.
Parker, a miner, met Hida, the heir of Radabi, and they hit it off. Because Hida has a flying stone, which is an important target to find the Rabida Empire, the military and pirates are after Hida. Parker and Hida fled together, but they never escaped from the military. Sida was taken away by the military.
In order to save his friends, Parker can only choose to cooperate with pirates. Parker and the pirates successfully rescued Hida, but also discovered the evil plan of the military. In order to stop the implementation of the evil plan of the military, they embarked on a journey to find Rabida with pirates.
Accompany you-Baidu Encyclopedia