1, bleeding. It can be divided into intraoperative bleeding and late postoperative bleeding.
2. Bladder and ureter injury.
3. infection. Vaginal and cervical disinfection is not strict before operation, or vaginal secretions overflow into abdominal cavity during operation to cause infection.
4. Rectal injury. It is easy to damage the rectum during hysterorectal incision.
5, adhesion. Intestinal loop can attach to uterine incision, causing intestinal obstruction. Adhesion of surrounding tissues may cause abdominal pain, indigestion, abdominal distension, back pain, etc. Adhesion problem, there is no good treatment, prone position and hot water compress may be useful for some patients, you can try)
6. Surgical wounds may become cancerous, such as various stump cancers.
7.34% of the patients had different degrees of ovarian failure and menopausal symptoms within 2 years after operation, and patients were prone to obesity, hypertension, heart disease, osteoporosis and other adverse reactions. Ultrasound ablation is also a good choice, because it is a non-invasive treatment and can be repeated. The price paid by patients is quite small. After hysterectomy, this kind of injury is lifelong and irreversible. As long as surgery is performed, there will be risks of surgery and anesthesia, which is an inevitable problem for patients. You can go to Baidu or Google to query and enter hysteromyoma network (or 99 hysteromyoma network). You can find a public welfare website set up by volunteer doctors, lawyers and teachers, which not only introduces uterine fibroids and their treatment methods, but also shares experiences with patients who have undergone ultrasonic ablation, and more professional doctors can consult.