A group of individuals without division of labor and cooperation will not become a society.
Society is a long-term interdependent existence state formed by different individuals of the same species living together in a specific environment.
Microscopically, society emphasizes the significance of peers and extends to forming alliances for the same interests.
Macroscopically, society is composed of long-term cooperative members, who form groups by developing organizational relations, and then form organizational forms such as institutions and countries in human society.
Society is a collection of individuals who live together through various social relations.
We take human society as an example. The most important social relations that make up a society include family relations, the same culture and traditional customs.
Social relations include the relationship between individuals, the relationship between individuals and collectives, and the relationship between individuals and the state.
Generally, it also includes the relationship between groups and the relationship between groups and countries.
Groups here range from NGOs to national political parties.
The country here is essentially a society with a territory, that is, the relationship between individuals and the country is the relationship between individuals and society, and the relationship between individuals and the world is the relationship between individuals and the whole society.