That is to say, general articles will be marked with page numbers, such as what is the first page, and the abstract page is unnecessary, which means that there is no number at the bottom of the page, and only when there is a number from the body can the page numbers be numbered.
Generally, there is no page number on the cover and abstract of graduation thesis, and the catalogue depends on the requirements of the school. When adding page numbers, it is best to separate the cover and pages that don't need page numbers from the body by inserting separators, otherwise there may be page numbers from the cover.
Go to the last one on page five (Enter), and then click (Layout)-(Delimiter)-(section break)-(Next). At this time, you will find that there is one more (enter key) in the introduction, and then you will go to the front of the introduction and delete this (enter key). You may not see any difference after deletion.