Acupuncture in traditional Chinese medicine, and their records before reaching a certain level. From the investigation of unearthed cultural relics, to the use of Neolithic Age before Shi Wannian, to bone needles, our ancestors really mastered the life activities full of wisdom. There is also a legend that in ancient times, Fuxi got nine needles, and people drilled wood to make fire, and Shennong tasted a hundred herbs. Nine needles and nine kinds of needles, now commonly known as needles, are the smallest one. When it comes to acupuncture, many people only think of needles, and moxibustion is not as good as before. Moxibustion with moxa sticks is mainly used to fumigate white mustard seeds, such as rush moxibustion and moxibustion. Today I mainly talk about moxibustion.
The tragic Dragon Boat Festival is short of grass and clothes, but it is coquetry to compete for beauty, and everyone who smells good knows it. This poem was written by Ai. Our ancestors have already discovered the magical effect of love in Jade Mine and Phoenix Song Book: "One day is regarded as an old habit." Dragon Boat Festival also adopts the season of love, and there are similar customs in the north and south. With wormwood, I tied a rope and hung it on the door, except for viciousness. Fresh leaves can also be treated. In Tang Menggu's Dietotherapy Materia Medica: "Spring eclipse, or confusion, the face is like a marble swallowing five meals, and a cold cures dysentery." In summer, all wormwood is dried and smoked in the countryside. Dried leaves, like mashed ones, moxa sticks and moxibustion are all used to it. Old people, pregnant women, children, custom-made, burning rooms with moxa sticks can be disinfected.
Being a perennial herb in Compositae is a positive thing. In Shuo Wen: "Alas, the ice platform is also." Why the ice platform? Here is a record of "natural history": "Cut the ice in a circular motion. After Ai Gan, Cheng lit the fire, so it was called the ice platform. " Our ancestors, not only had fireplaces, but also cut ice for fire and cut shots, gathered in love with the sun and were prone to catch fire. Ai, pungent and bitter, slightly toxic in nature, belongs to liver, spleen and kidney. Function of dispelling cold and relieving pain, relieving hemorrhagic fever.
Mencius also said: "I have been ill for seven years and I am still seeking AIDS for three years." The following are 7 kinds and 3 kinds of chronic diseases that Ai Chen is said to treat. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the book "Dou Cai Yi Que Shu Xin" introduced clinical moxibustion, and advocated "instructions for treating teeth" and "warming spleen and kidney", which were "life insurance methods, first burning moxa sticks, second burning Dan medicine and third burning aconite." Documents.
Dou said that "unwise moxibustion" and "symptoms" should be moxibustion without fear. "More powerful digital moxibustion will hurt you. A sleeping umbrella made of sinus materials (Datura flower, hemp, etc.). ), before taking three moxibustion money, general anesthesia and moxibustion again, praising their kindness. Because most of the ancients used moxa sticks and moxa wool to knead into conical moxa sticks, the size of rice grains or lotus flowers. When moxibustion, every time you order moxa sticks, you are called Qiang. In Shuo Wen: "Moxibustion, burning. "Long, that is, the ancient word moxibustion in later generations, after moxibustion, it is like a human being with a distance of two shins. Moxibustion therapy from the back (Shuo Wen), like a human leg has been shaped like an object burning in the body.
China's traditional medical theory and qi and blood meridian theory are two pillars. "Qi" is the nature of content. Meridian is the channel through which Qi moves. Acupuncture should be the qi of meridians, so it is in normal operation. Use the needle to "wait for gas". Wait for anger, wait for gasification, make the disease right, make the air "evil", calm down and "get" the dawn of North Korea. "With moxibustion, illness for seven years and three years, a serious illness to moxibustion. With moxibustion, it takes a certain amount of time each time, so that qi has some channels and collaterals that change. We use acupuncture now, which usually ends in half an hour. Whether the body has changed or not is a far-reaching traditional method.
Acupuncture treatment, acupuncture, quick effect; Moxibustion is an efficient professional Leehom. For example, in the 1950s, patients with lobar pneumonia were treated with acupuncture, which could quickly reduce the fever, and then moxibustion. Needle, will take effect soon; Moxibustion is powerful, if it can consolidate the efficacy and completely cure persistent lung inflammation. One needle, two moxibustion, three medicines, sick, treatment is such an ancient command. Today, in turn, moxibustion is even less. From 65438 to 0980, the Ministry of Health lamented that the decline of TCM was a foregone conclusion. But from the point of moxibustion, a regular world leaves in autumn. Recently, the so-called "lofty ideal" in medicine, ripple key, but let people pay attention to China medicine, who has become a professional university graduate in China, not.