A male and b female
2 your age range (c)
A/kloc-under 0/0 years old B 10 years old -20 years old C 20 years old -30 years old D 30 years old or older.
How often do you go to KFC?
A goes to B every week, C once a month and D once every two months.
How much do you spend each time (D)
A under 20 yuan, B 20 yuan -50 yuan, C 50 yuan-100 yuan, D 100 yuan or more.
When do you usually choose to go to KFC?
A breakfast time b lunch time c tea time d dinner time e dinner time.
Under what circumstances will you go to KFC (AC)
A chats with friends, B goes to C when bored, goes to D with the other half, and takes the children to E when time is tight and you want to eat.
Compared with similar fast food, you choose KFC for the following reasons (BD).
A brand is good, B tastes good, C is nutritious, D service is good, and E is cheap.
Do you think KFC's food nutrition is reasonable (a)
A reasonable b unreasonable c doesn't matter.
9 KFC has launched a new product, will you try it right away? (2)
A tries it immediately, B tries it occasionally, and C orders the same product every time.
10 Do you know which media KFC usually uses to make new products (A)?
A media advertising b leaflets and leaflets c friends recommended d shop assistants recommended.
1 1 In the process of consumption, which of the following points makes you most satisfied (a)
A beautiful environment, b good service attitude, c delicious food and d others.
12 In the process of consumption, which of the following points makes you most dissatisfied (b)
A queues to order food, B has no empty seats, C is too noisy, D is other.
13 What's your favorite food in KFC?
Household bucket