Compared with English and Chinese proverbs, China's Chinese has a long history, and the same meaning can be described by many different Chinese characters, but it is relatively simple compared with English, so it is more troublesome to translate some China proverbs. The following is a comparison of English and Chinese proverbs.
The comparison of English and Chinese common sayings 1 is the most similar one, and its expression and content are almost identical, as if it were literal translation. For example:
Tostrikewhiletheironishot .
Strike while the iron is hot.
Goodluckwouldnevercomeinpairs .
Happiness is not double.
Fireprovesgold,advantisement providers .
Fire proves gold, adversity proves men.
Long hair and short hair.
Long hair and short knowledge.
Bloodisthickerthanwater .
Blood is thicker than water.
If you don't want to do anything, don't do it.
If you don't know, you must do it yourself.
Inunityhereisstrength .
Unity is strength.
hehosebellyisfullbelievensothimhoisfasting .
A full man knows that a hungry man is hungry.
Easiersaidthandone .
It's easier said than done.
Idleness is therootofallevil.
Laziness is the root of all evil.
Wallhasears .
Wall has ears.
There are almost no cultural differences in the forms of these corresponding proverbs. In the origin of proverbs, some may even be mutual. A comparative study of cultural exchanges between the East and the West may provide some evidence. But the spread of proverbs in different cultures also shows that there are many basic processes of cultural accumulation in human society.
There is also a proverb that expresses exactly the same meaning, but refers to something slightly different in culture. For example:
betterbethehadofadogthanthetailofalion .
Better be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.
This is a photograph.
The early bird catches the worm.
Everypotterpraiseshisownpot .
Lao Wang sells melons to brag.
Get out of the house.
The fox preys farthest from home.
Put the pudding in the cake.
To know the taste of pears, you'd better taste them yourself.
Oneswallowdoesnotmakeasummer .
A flower is not spring.
one dropoofpoisoninfectsthewholetunofwine .
Rat shit spoils a pot of porridge.
Setafoxtokeepone ' ' ' ' .
Lure the wolf into the room.
What do you expect from apigbutagrunt?
Dogs don't spit ivory out of their mouths
Hethatcomesofahenmustscrape .
The mouse's son can make holes.
When the movie starts, it will be played.
Among the blinds the one-eyed man is king.
Comparison of English and Chinese proverbs 2 Proverbs also express the same content, but the language expression is different:
Sinkorswim .
If you don't advance, you will retreat.
Hethathadnocrossdeservesnocrown .
It's hard to get this far without suffering.
Jackofalltrades, the Lord of no one.
Erudite but not expert.
Two chances.
Don't miss this opportunity.
Amisi Sasgud Samir.
Missing is thousands of miles away.
Bettertobesurethansorry .
It's better to believe what you have than what you have.
A full meal is better than a banquet.
Whoever vomits in the sky will throw it in his face.
You get what you deserve.
A big teacup.
People are unlucky enough to drink cold water.
Romewasnotbuiltinaday .
Rome was not built in a day
Ittakestwotomakeaquarrel .
You can't shoot it with one hand.
Failure is a symbol of success.
Failure is the mother of success.
The truth is not much to say.
Making a lot of noise does not constitute a reasonable argument.
Topayhimbackinhisowncoin .
In other words, deal with a man as he deals with you. This proverb is essentially the same as the second one, except that it does not borrow concrete things, but expresses some experiences and ideas in concrete language.