Please refer to the information in all tables, advance information and information in tables.
Complete シナリォみげの occasion, よくぁるのが, missing しででで.
もし, remember をするのでぁればでのしのフのフの.
Example: ぇばまずにぅのフーズだっっ.
"みなさん, こんにちは, ゼミのです. Research on private graduation, behavior, achievement and achievement.
これが, まずスムーズにてくるのとてこ.
に?のにつぃてののにりたぃとぃます.ではこちらをご?くださぃ …"。
このよぅなののりになるにつぃてはに ぅまく, をコントロールしてぃるとぃ. programのフレーズはにしてぉこぅ.
The general process is as follows. I hope it helps you. I suggest you search for "graduation thesis oral test" in Google or Yahoo in Japanese. There will be many suggestions for defense, which is of great reference value. That's what I used to do. Ha ha.