Meaning: Used before a noun to help explain the person or thing the noun refers to.
Pronunciation: English [? ɑ:t? Kl] Beauty [? ɑ:rt? kl]
Noun (abbreviation of noun) article; Articles or papers in newspapers or magazines; Terms; essay
Be bound by the terms of the agreement; Be bound by the agreement (or contract); Accept a contract ... as an apprentice (or apprentice); contract worker/labourer
Make a complaint with intransitive verbs and make a complaint (or accusation); sign an agreement
Third person singular: article plural: article present participle: article past tense: article past participle: article
For example: in? English? Answer? Nouns? May? Is it? Before? By who? Answer? Monosyllabic What's your name? Ann? Articles. ?
English nouns can be preceded by a monosyllabic word called an article.
Extended data:
Articles are divided into indefinite articles, definite articles, negative articles, partial articles and zero articles, and zero articles refer to cases where articles are not used.
The definite article (such as the in English) is used to limit the noun after this article to a specific thing;
An indefinite article (such as a/an in English) is used to indicate that the noun after this article refers to one of a certain kind of specific things, but it doesn't matter which one it is;
Some articles (such as du/de la in French) are used to indicate that the amount of nouns after this article is uncertain;
A negative article (such as kein in German) is used to indicate that the noun after the article does not exist.
In addition, in some languages (such as French), the masculine and feminine forms, singular and plural forms of the same noun are pronounced exactly the same. By using different articles, listeners can distinguish different forms of this noun.
No matter whether the qualifier is placed before or after the qualifier or phrase, the qualifier is always worn on the head of the qualifier like a hat, so words like "the" and "a" are called "crown".
The indefinite article means general reference and general reference, the definite article means specific reference, specific reference and general reference, and the zero article means general reference to people or things. A and an are only used in singular countable nouns, indicating the meaning of "one", without emphasizing the concept of number, only indicating that the noun is unspecified.
The definite article "The" indicating specific nouns means this, that, these and those, and can be used before countable nouns, singular nouns, plural nouns and uncountable nouns. (/) indicates other nominalized words or proper nouns, so both singular and plural numbers are acceptable. Plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns do not use articles before, which also means general reference. Some grammarians call it "zero article"