General announcement of high-level recent progress and reconciliation-
HHG technology makes production possible.
High-intensity soft X-rays and extreme ultraviolet rays closely combined with each other.
(xuv) pulse [1-4]. Gao Qiao et al. [1] have recently.
The 27th generation successfully reconciled pulse.
(wavelength H 29:6 nm) Ti: sapphire laser and one
Pulse width less than 30 fs, output energy.
0:33 J of each pulse. The same author [2] has subse-
The generations of 1 1, 13 and 15 are frequently reported.
Harmonic pulses (H 72:7, 62.3 and 54 nm) and one
The output energy is taken as heights of 7, 4.7 and 1 J respectively,
Hergott et al. [3] have generated the 15 harmonic.
Titanium pulse (H 53:3 nm): sapphire laser and a laser
Energy per pulse 1:9 Joules. Yoshitomi et al [4] have
Recently, a fifth harmonic pulse (H 49:7 nm) has been generated.
KrF excimer laser uses 1:2 J energy. while
These harmonious pulses are the area m 2 from the focus to 10.
Using commercially available mirrors, its average strength
The possible extensions of sity in soft X-rays are 10 14 W=cm2 and.
10 15 W=cm2 in xuv field. There is such a strong light.
The source is in front of us, and the research of nonlinear optical program is under way.
Xuv and soft X-ray series have long restrictions so far.
Wavelengths [5-7] may be possible. In this regard,
Ishikawa and Midorikawa[8] proposed two photons.
Titanium Tantalum: Sapphire 27 Ionization (H27)
Experimental observation of pulse as a candidate
Nonlinear optical effects in soft X-ray fields, and
Nakajima and Nikolopoulos[9] proved theoretically.
The multiplication of two photons, his ionization may be observed.
The same harmony.