Generally speaking, when an article is submitted as a summary of a meeting, complete information is not needed. Researchers usually only present their preliminary findings and analysis at meetings, and keep other more specific and important data for publication in academic journals. If the collection of conference abstracts has been published, the conference abstracts can be developed into complete papers and submitted to journals.
You can also publish abstracts and papers in different journals. However, when submitting a manuscript, the author should explain to the editor in the cover letter that the paper was developed according to the conference abstract, and that the conference abstract has published the conference proceedings, with a link attached.
If the conference paper has been published, the author can add at least 30% new data or new content to the previously published conference paper before submitting it to the journal. Similarly, the author needs to explain to the editor in the cover letter that the paper is developed from the conference paper and provide the online link or DOI of the published conference paper.
The method of judging whether the published conference papers are accepted by the target journals;
For disciplines with strong timeliness, such as computer science, many scholars will choose to publish international conference papers first, and then organize and improve them into journal papers, or even stop publishing journal papers when they feel it is unnecessary. This behavior is not much contribution.
However, the standards in each field are different. You can view the papers published in the target journals. If there are published papers with similar labels: "Some materials have been used in the conference" or "This paper has been published in the conference", it means that this journal has received such contributions.
In addition, you can also directly ask the journal editor for answers through the pre-submission query.