The rule is:
1) main vocabulary, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, etc.
2) Any word at the beginning of a sentence. Words with lowercase letters are the following words that are not at the beginning of a sentence: articles, prepositions, conjunctions and to infinitives.
3) Longer prepositions and conjunctions (usually more than 4 letters) can be capitalized or lowercase;
4) In order to facilitate retrieval and improve The accuracy of proofreading, articles such as the, an and a should not be used before English titles.
There are three formats for the title letters.
A. all letters are capitalized. For example: discussion about jealousy of children and the elderly; ?
B The first letter of each word is capitalized, but articles, conjunctions and prepositions with less than three or four letters are lowercase. For example: from "back to history" to non-history-a criticism of new historicism;
C. The first letter of the first word in the title is capitalized, and the rest letters are lowercase. For example, topological inversion of interval velocity.
B. generally adopt the format.