The following are the reference values of human hearing tolerance: 44 decibels-acceptable level; 55 decibels-I feel a little annoyed; 60 decibels-no drowsiness; 70 decibels-making people nervous; 85 decibels-covering your ears is unacceptable; 100 decibel-can make your ears temporarily lose hearing; 120 db-can instantly pierce your eardrum; 160 dB- broken glass; 200 decibels-causing death. A decibel value below 60 is a harmless zone, 60- 1 10 is a transitional zone, and 1 10 is a harmful zone. This shows how harmful noise is to human body!
Noise pollution mainly comes from car horns, industrial noise, building construction, concert halls, speakers, loud noises and so on. Most of them are man-made. Therefore, as long as everyone is civilized, some noises can be reduced, such as car horns, loud talking and industrial noise. ...
As the saying goes, "there is' noise' above and' silencing' below." Smart people have also come up with many ways to deal with it, such as: inventing sound insulation glass, planting a variety of flowers indoors, and putting a "protective layer" on your ears-earplugs ... There are many ways to deal with noise.
Of course, the best way is to "uproot", so as to eliminate noise permanently and effectively.
Grade 5: Sun Jingjing.