Theoretically, any stimulation to cancer and tumor, including acupuncture, excision, biopsy and other examinations, may cause cancer cells to fall off and spread. Repeated puncture of tumor during puncture may pollute a small number of cancer cells in the needle track.
In order to solve this problem, some foreign experts and scholars analyzed the data of 5369 breast cancer patients who underwent puncture from/kloc-0 to 990-2008, and found that the detection rate of needle track tumor cells was 22%, but the local recurrence rate did not increase. Why is this?
First of all, puncture biopsy is to check whether it is really a tumor. If it is diagnosed as a tumor, the patient will undergo mastectomy soon after puncture, and the possibility of breast recurrence does not exist.
Secondly, the doctor should choose the appropriate needle insertion site when performing puncture, so that the puncture site can be completely removed during the operation.
Even if cancer cells exist, it doesn't necessarily mean metastasis, because the body's immune system will kill them soon.
In addition, studies at home and abroad have not confirmed that needle aspiration will spread to other parts of the body through blood.
Therefore, puncture will not cause the spread and distant metastasis of cancer cells.