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Graduation Design and Thesis "Design and Implementation of Student Information Management System Based on Java"
For your reference only.

//Java group project _ studentmanagement source code

//NetBeans IDE 6.5 environment

Package studentmanager

Import java.awt. *;

Import java.awt.event. *;

Import javax.swing. *;

Import *;

Import java.util. *;

Class Student implements{

String number, name, major, grade, birth, gender;

Public students () {};

public void set number(String number){ this . number = number; }

Public string getnumber () {returnnumber; }

public void set name(String name){ this . name = name; }

Public string getname () {returnname; }

public void setSex(String sex){ this . sex = sex; }

Public string getsex () {returnsex; }

Public void setSpecialty (string specialty) {this. specialty = specialty; }

The public string getspecialty () {returnspecialty; }

public void set grade(String grade){ this . grade = grade; }

Common string getgrade () {returngrade; }

public void set borth(String borth){ this . borth = borth; }

Public string getborth () {returnborth; }


Public class StudentManager extension JFrame{

Jlabelb = newjlabel ("Please enter the record for entry, enter the student number for query deletion, and change it to query"+

"Save the changed contents!" );

JTextField student number, name, major, grade, birth;

JRadioButton, male and female;

ButtonGroup group = null

Input, query, deletion, modification and display of JButton;

JPanel p 1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,pv,ph;

Student student = null

Hashtable student hash table = null

File file = null

FileInputStream inOne = null

ObjectInputStream inTwo = null

FileOutputStream outOne = null

ObjectOutputStream outTwo = null

public StudentManager(){

Super ("student basic information management system");

Student ID = new jtextfield (10);

name = new JTextField( 10);

major = new JTextField( 10);

grade = new JTextField( 10);

birth = new JTextField( 10);

group = new button group();

Male =new JRadioButton ("male ",true);

Female =new JRadioButton ("female", false);

Group.add (male);

Group.add (female);

input = new JButton(" input ");

query = new JButton(" query ");

delete = new JButton(" delete ");

modify = new JButton(" modify ");

display = new JButton(" display ");

Enter. addActionListener(new inputtact());

Inquiry. Addactionlistener (new inquiry bill ());

Modify. addActionListener(new modify act());

Delete. addActionListener(new DeleteAct());

Show. addActionListener(new ShowAct());

Modify. set enabled(false);

p 1 = new JPanel();

P 1.add (new JLabel ("student number:", JLabel. Center));

P 1.add (student number);

p2 = new JPanel();

P2.add (new JLabel ("name: ",JLabel. Center));

P2.add (name);

P3 = new JPanel();

P3.add (New JLabel ("Gender:", JLabel. Center));

P3.add (male);

P3.add (female);

P4 = new JPanel();

P4.add(new JLabel ("major:",JLabel。 Center));

P4.add (major);

P5 = new JPanel();

P5.add(new JLabel ("grade:",JLabel。 Center));

P5.add (grade);

P6 = new JPanel();

P6.add (New JLabel ("Born:", JLabel. Center));

P6.add (birth);

PV = new JPanel();

pv.setLayout(new GridLayout(6, 1));

PV . add(p 1);

PV . add(p2);

PV . add(P3);

PV . add(P4);

PV . add(P5);

PV . add(P6);

ph = new JPanel();

Ph.add (input);

Ph.add (query);

Ph.add (modified);

Ph.add (deleted);

Ph.add (display);

File=new File ("student information. txt ");

Student hash table = new hash table ();

If (! file.exists()){

Try {

file output stream out = new file output stream(file);

object output stream object out = new object output stream(out);

ObjectOut.writeObject (student hash table);

object out . close();

out . close();


catch(IOException e){}


container con = getContentPane();

con . set layout(new BorderLayout());

con.add(lb,BorderLayout。 North);

con.add(pv,BorderLayout。 Center);

con.add(ph,BorderLayout。 South);

setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT _ ON _ CLOSE);

setBounds( 100, 100,600,300);

set visible(true);


public static void main(String[]args){ new student manager(); }

Class InputAct implements ActionListener{

public void action performed(action event e){

Modify. set enabled(false);

String number = "";

Number = student number. getText();

if(number . length()& gt; 0){

Try {

InOne=new FileInputStream (file);

int wo = new ObjectInputStream(inOne);

student Hashtable =(Hashtable)int wo . read object();

inone . close();

int wo . close();


Catch (exceptionee) {system。 Out.println ("There was a problem creating the hash table!" ); }

If (student hash table. Contains keys (numbers) (

String warning= "The student information already exists, please go to the modify page to modify it!" ;

Joptionpane。 Displays the message dialog box (empty, warning, "warning",


}//end if 1

Otherwise {

String m= "Student information will be entered!" ;

Intok = Joption pane. ShowConfirmilog (null, m, "confirm",

JOptionPane。 YES_NO_OPTION,JOptionPane。 Information _ message);

if(ok==JOptionPane。 Yes _ option) {

String name = name. getText();

String major = major. getText();

string grade = grade . gettext();

Stringborn = born. getText();

String sex = null

if(male . is selected()){ sex = male . gettext(); }

Else{sex= female. getText(); }

Students = freshmen ();

student SetNumber (number);

student SetName;

student SetSpecialty;

student SetGrade;

student Seth boss (borth);

student SetSex;

Try {

OutOne=new FileOutputStream (file);

out two = new object output stream(out one);

Hash table for students. Put ($ NUMBER, students);

OutTwo.writeObject (student hash table);

out two . close();

out one . close();


Catch (exceptionee) {system。 Out.println ("There is something wrong with the output hash table!" ); }

Student ID card. SetText (empty);

Name. SetText (empty);

Major. SetText (empty);

Grade. SetText (empty);

Born. SetText (empty);


}//end else 1

}//end if0

Otherwise {

String warning= "Student ID must be entered!" ;

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (empty, warning,

"warning", jooptionpane warning _ message);

}//end else0

}//End the executed operation.

}//End class

Class inquiry method to realize ActionListener{

public void action performed(action event e){

String number = "";

Number = student number. getText();

if(number . length()& gt; 0){

Try {

InOne=new FileInputStream (file);

int wo = new ObjectInputStream(inOne);

student Hashtable =(Hashtable)int wo . read object();

inone . close();

int wo . close();


Catch (exceptionee) {system。 Out.println ("There is something wrong with the hash table!" ); }

If (student hash table. Contains keys (numbers) (

Modify. SetEnabled (true);

Student stu= (student) student hash table. get($ NUMBER);

Name. setText(stu . getname());

Major. setText(stu . get specialty());

Grade. setText(stu . get grade());

Born. setText(stu . getborth());

If(stu.getSex()。 Equal to ("male") {male. set selected(true); }

Else{ female. set selected(true); }


Otherwise {

Modify. set enabled(false);

String warning= "This student number does not exist!" ;

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (empty, warning,

"warning", jooptionpane warning _ message);



Otherwise {

Modify. set enabled(false);

String warning= "Student ID must be entered!" ;

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (empty, warning,

"warning", jooptionpane warning _ message);




Class ModifyAct implements ActionListener{

public void action performed(action event e){

String number = student number. getText();

String name = name. getText();

String major = major. getText();

string grade = grade . gettext();

Stringborn = born. getText();

String sex = null

if(male . is selected()){ sex = male . gettext(); }

Else{sex= female. getText(); }

Students = freshmen ();

student SetNumber (number);

student SetName;

student SetSpecialty;

student SetGrade;

student Seth boss (borth);

student SetSex;

Try {

OutOne=new FileOutputStream (file);

out two = new object output stream(out one);

Hash table for students. Put ($ NUMBER, students);

OutTwo.writeObject (student hash table);

out two . close();

out one . close();

Student ID card. SetText (empty);

Name. SetText (empty);

Major. SetText (empty);

Grade. SetText (empty);

Born. SetText (empty);


Catch (abnormal ee){

System.out.println ("Exception in entering and modifying!" );

Modify. set enabled(false);




Class DeleteAct implements ActionListener{

public void action performed(action event e){

Modify. set enabled(false);

String number = student number. getText();

if(number . length()& gt; 0){

Try {

InOne=new FileInputStream (file);

int wo = new ObjectInputStream(inOne);

student Hashtable =(Hashtable)int wo . read object();

inone . close();

int wo . close();


Catch (abnormal ee){}

If (student hash table. Contains keys (numbers) (

Student stu= (student) student hash table. get($ NUMBER);

Name. setText(stu . getname());

Major. setText(stu . get specialty());

Grade. setText(stu . get grade());

Born. setText(stu . getborth());

If(stu.getSex()。 Equal to ("male") {male. set selected(true); }

Else{ female. set selected(true); }


String m= "Are you sure you want to delete this student's record?" ;

Intok = Joption pane. ShowConfirmilog (null, m, "confirm",


if(ok==JOptionPane。 Yes _ option) {

Hash table for students. Removed ($ NUMBER);

Try {

OutOne=new FileOutputStream (file);

out two = new object output stream(out one);

OutTwo.writeObject (student hash table);

out two . close();

out one . close();

Student ID card. SetText (empty);

Name. SetText (empty);

Major. SetText (empty);

Grade. SetText (empty);

Born. SetText (empty);


catch(Exception ee){ system . out . println(ee); }


else if(ok==JOptionPane。 NO_OPTION){

Student ID card. SetText (empty);

Name. SetText (empty);

Major. SetText (empty);

Grade. SetText (empty);

Born. SetText (empty);


Otherwise {

String warning= "This student number does not exist!" ;

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (empty, warning,

"warning", jooptionpane warning _ message);



Otherwise {

String warning= "Student ID must be entered!" ;

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (empty, warning,

"warning", jooptionpane warning _ message);




Class ShowAct implements ActionListener{

public void action performed(action event e){

Freshman show (file);



How to extend JDialog{

Hashtable student hash table = null

JTextArea display = null

FileInputStream inOne = null

ObjectInputStream inTwo = null

File file = null

public StudentShow(File file){

Super(new JFrame (), "show dialog box");

this.file = file

Display =new JTextArea( 16,30);

Try {

InOne=new FileInputStream (file);

int wo = new ObjectInputStream(inOne);

student Hashtable =(Hashtable)int wo . read object();

inone . close();

int wo . close();


Catch (abnormal ee){}

If (student hash table. IsEmpty ()) display. Append ("There is no record of students' information yet! \ n ");

Otherwise {

Show. SetText ("student number, name, gender, professional level, birth \ n");

For(Enumeration enm= student hash table. elements(); enm . hasmoreelements(); ){

Student stu =(Student)enm . nextelement();

String sex =

If(stu.getSex()。 equals(" male "))sex = " male ";

Else sex= "female";

String str=stu.getNumber()+","+stu.getName()+","+sex+","

+stu.getSpecialty()+","+stu.getGrade()+","+stu . get borth()+" \ n ";

Show. Append (string);



Jscrollpane scroll = new jscrollpane (display);

container con = getContentPane();

Con.add ("center", scrolling);

con . validate();

set visible(true);


addWindowListener(new window adapter(){

public void window closing(window event e){ set visible(false); }




